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Major Studies
- Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
- Blood Glucose Control Studies for Type 1 Diabetes: DCCT and EDIC
- Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study: CKiD
- Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults Study: CRIC
- Frequent Hemodialysis Network (FHN) Daily Trial
- Treatments for Fatty Liver Diseases (NASH) Study: PIVENS
- Bariatric Surgery for Teens with Severe Obesity Study: Teen-LABS
- Long-term Lifestyle Change for Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Study: Look AHEAD
Dr. Rodgers in the News
Dr. Rodgers appeared in a video series for the African American Wellness Project to discuss updates on and tips for living with kidney disease, sickle cell disease, weight loss medications, and diabetes.
Dr. Rodgers was featured in an AAMC News story for Black History Month highlighting prominent Black leaders in medicine.
Dr. Rodgers talked to ASBMB Today about his career journey and research on treatment for sickle cell disease.