mikroProg for PIC, dsPIC, PIC24, and PIC32
mikroProg for PIC, dsPIC and PIC32 is a fast USB 2.0 programmer with mikroICD™ hardware In-Circuit Debugger. Smart engineering allows mikroProg to support PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, dsPIC30/33, PIC24 and PIC32 devices in a single programmer! It supports over 1000 microcontrollers from Microchip. Outstanding performance, easy operation and elegant design are it’s top features. Debug your code and monitor code execution on the chip itself. mikroProg™ technology brings the power of hardware debugging to your favorite compiler.
Compiler Compatibility mikroProg™ is supported with mikroC™, mikroBasic™ and mikroPascal™ compilers for PIC®, dsPIC® and PIC32®. Choose the flavor that you like the most.
One firmware for all devices
With mikroProg™, single firmware takes care of all supported architectures. Supporting new microcontrollers is easy. Just by downloading the latest version of mikroProg Suite™ your programmer is ready to program new devices.
Power your target board
mikroProg™ can provide power supply to your target board. Using mikroProg Suite™ Software, or directly from your compiler you can set the voltage level to be generated for you. It can provide up to 150mA of current in the voltage range from 1.8–5V.
Compatible with PICFlash
If you have already integrated previous programmer connector in your device, don’t worry. mikroProg™ retained the original connector pinout. Use front row of the connector (next to the knob) when programming mikromedia boards.
You won’t rip out the cable
How many times have you pulled the cable out of some device accidently and it just stopped working? We made sure to provide a secure connection of programer cable and created a holder to tie it firmly into place.