SCSI Connectors
The 64-Bit/66 MHz Single Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter has the
following connectors:
Figure 1-1. 64-Bit/66 MHz Single Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter
1 Internal 50-pin Narrow SE SCSI legacy connector at J4 (cannot be
used simultaneously with 4)
2 TE (Termination Enable) SEC jumper at J6 (should be jumpered)
3 TE (Termination Enable) PRI jumper at J2 (should be left open)
4 Internal 68-pin Wide SE SCSI legacy connector at J5 (cannot be used
simultaneously with 1)
5 Internal 68-pin Wide LVD/SE SCSI connector at J3
6 External 68-pin Wide LVD/SE SCSI connector at J1
The external connector is a standard wide SCSI connector. It is mounted on
the slot panel and accessible through the back of the server. Screwlocks are
provided for securing external SCSI cables to the standard Wide SCSI
IMPORTANT: If an SE SCSI device is connected to this controller, any other connected
devices (including LVD devices) will run at the reduced performance level of an SE device.
Introduction 1-3