Ozzy Osbourne
Birth Name: John Michael Osbourne
Age: 76, born 3 December 1948
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 9"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Sharon Osbourne
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Ozzy Osbourne Videos
Rating: | 4134 Watched |
Rating: | 1142 Watched |
Rating: | 849 Watched |
Rating: | 4061 Watched |
Rating: | 2813 Watched |
Rating: | 1540 Watched |
Rating: | 511 Watched |
Rating: | 553 Watched |
Rating: | 35 own |
Rating: | 38 own |
Rating: | 26 own |
Rating: | 26 own |
Rating: | 8 own |
Update feed
" 1. Blizzard of Ozz (1980) - 8/10 2. No More Tears (1991) - 8/10 3. Scream (2010) - 8/10 4. The Ultimate Sin (1986) - 8/10 5. Bark at the Moon (1983) - 7/10 6. Ordinary Man (2020) - 7/10 7. Patient Number 9 (2022) - 7/10 8. Down to Earth (2001) - 6/10 9. Ozzmosis (1995) - 6/10 10. Diary of a Madman (1981) - 5/10 11. Black Rain (2007) - 5/10 12. No Rest for the Wicked (1988) - 5/10 "
"“I suffer from permanent tinnitus . . . which means I’ve got this constant ringing in my ears, which has also made me somewhat deaf (or ‘conveniently deaf,’ as Sharon calls it), it’s like this Whee! noise in my head all the time. Should have worn earplugs, I guess.” "
"As himself playing a lord of all monsters who protects me from the evil demon cow goddess Moocifer. I turn into him a few times too."