The following are examples of what LEAD technical support can help you with:

Installation of LEAD products onto a computer/device

All of the following requirements must be met:

  • You are using an installer from LEAD Technologies, Inc.
  • The operating system and service pack are supported by the manufacturer.
  • You are logged in as a local administrator.

Windows Settings That Affect LEAD Products

These include:

  • NTFS permissions
  • Registry settings

Explanation of LEAD Properties, Methods, and Events

How to use LEAD Products to Develop a Solution

The LEAD Support team members are experts at using LEAD products and have access to experts in various fields of imaging. If you have an imaging problem, LEAD Technical support can help show you the way with LEADTOOLS by explaining different methods to achieve your goal.

Pseudo-code Examples

Several LEAD products can be used in many different compilers. While it would be impossible for LEAD to provide code samples in every compiler, LEAD already provides code samples for most of the major compilers for every function, property, and event in the LEAD product line. LEAD Technical Support can also provide pseudo-code samples that can be used to help achieve an imaging goal.

Bug Determination

If it is determined that a bug exists in a LEAD product and LEAD technical support can reproduce it, a report is sent to development. Once the issue is resolved, a service pack will be provided.

The following are examples of what is outside the scope of technical support:

  • Looking at issues if you can not provide an example that compiles and shows the problem to support.
  • Assisting you in setting up your computer or how to use your programming environment.
  • Writing your code for you. We have custom development services that can assist you, if needed.
  • Creating your setup.
  • Troubleshooting an API function or library that is not a LEADTOOLS API function or library.

Tips to Improve Response and Resolution Time

Always be as descriptive as possible about the specific problem you are having. The more information you can give us, the quicker we will be able to duplicate your issue and provide you with a resolution. This includes information such as operating system, service packs, and version of LEADTOOLS DLLs you are using.

If the problem can not be duplicated in one of the many demos that ship with the SDK, creating a small sample project will help ensure we duplicate the problem exactly as you are observing it. Many times there are other factors that influence the problem not included in code snippets and this makes it harder for us to duplicate the problem. Small sample projects help to eliminate this problem.

It is recommended that you patch your SDK before reporting any issues you may have.

Screenshots help us see exactly what you see. These are especially helpful in situations where you are trying to describe a certain issue with image display.

LEAD technical support's goal is to provide excellent support. Following the above tips help us deliver the quickest, most efficient, and best support possible.

 What is a Support Case?

A case is defined as all of the following:

  • An issue that LEAD agrees is a problem directly related with the usage of LEAD software in accordance with its intended usage as defined in the LEAD product documentation.
  • A case must be reproducible by LEAD support agents within reasonable and legal means.
  • A resolution may be reached using reasonable efforts.
  • A single case is an issue that cannot be broken down into separate independent issues. If a case can be broken down into separate issues, each issue shall be considered a separate case.
  • A single support case may involve multiple round trips of contact.
  • A case can not be custom coding or consulting work. Information on custom development or consulting.

What is a Case Resolution?

The resolution to a case is defined as one of the following:

  • The case results in a solution that is reasonable and implementable.
  • The case results in a workaround that is reasonable and implementable.
  • LEAD determines that the input is invalid or corrupt in some way.
  • LEAD determines the case is beyond the scope of the current implementation or intended usage, making it a feature request.

If you have any questions or remarks regarding these policies, please send an email to our technical support manager at [email protected].