Avatar för upfromthe36

90s hip-hop lover🫶🏽 • 90s east coast hip-hop is the best• wu-tang forever 👐🏽🩷• i also like tyler, lauryn, the fugees, atcq, kendrick and plenty of other artists! • hip-hop is my fave genre n i also like neo-soul and r&b!!!! • she/her • 17• black •twt:36chamberrs •insta:lollipophiphopp

Nyligen spelade låtar


6 Dec — 12 Dec Last.week
2023 Last.year


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Om mig

90s hip-hop lover🫶🏽 • 90s east coast hip-hop is the best• wu-tang forever 👐🏽🩷• i also like tyler, lauryn, the fugees, atcq, kendrick and plenty of other artists! • hip-hop is my fave genre n i also like neo-soul and r&b!!!! • she/her • 17• black •twt:36chamberrs •insta:lollipophiphopp

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