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Informes de reproducción
6 Dic — 12 Dic Last.week noviembre Last.month 2023 Last.yearArtistas más escuchados
Posición | Avatar | Nombre de artista | Opciones | Scrobblings |
1 | Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds |
2 | Radiohead |
3 | Chelsea Wolfe |
4 | Xiu Xiu |
5 | Coil |
6 | Animal Collective |
7 | The Joy Formidable |
8 | Akira Yamaoka |
9 | Portishead |
10 | Deerhunter |
11 | The Taxpayers |
12 | Einstürzende Neubauten |
13 | Swans |
14 | Kate Bush |
15 | dälek |
16 | Lena Raine |
17 | David Bowie |
18 | Mount Eerie |
19 | Low |
20 | Björk |
21 | The Smiths |
22 | Sufjan Stevens |
23 | Tom Waits |
24 | Adrianne Lenker |
25 | Kendrick Lamar |
26 | Porcupine Tree |
27 | Madvillain |
28 | PJ Harvey |
29 | Arcade Fire |
30 | Eels |
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