• April


The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society
The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) is a charitable, non-profit and non-governmental organisation dedicated to the discovery and promotion of creativity in the art and culture of film.
Festival Archives
The Society organizes the annual flagship HKIFF and the Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) in March and April. Another annual highlight is the Cine Fan Summer IFF held every August.
Cine Fan & HKIFF Society Events
Through its annual programmes, the Society promotes international appreciation of Asian, Hong Kong and Chinese film culture; introduces world cinema to Hong Kong audiences; and continues to underline Hong Kong’s key position in the international film community.
HKIFFS’s dedication to quality and intelligent programming, its devotion to the discovery of new areas of filmmaking in Asia and China, its exceptional work for Hong Kong cinema, seminars and acclaimed publications, gives it a unique and respected international reputation that helps promote Hong Kong cinema at home and abroad.

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