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For Advocates is a comprehensive database of federal legislative information, including tools and analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Here are some ways you can use GovTrack to help you advocate for your issues.

Find likely cosponsors to help advance your legislation

GovTrack offers unique analysis comparing members’ leadership and ideology scores using cosponsorship data. Find full cosponsorship data on any member by clicking “view cosponsors” at the bottom of the Bills Sponsored section. Use this data to find keep track of likely cosponsors to help advance legislation.

Access extensive legislative analysis tools

You can use GovTrack’s comprehensive databases to find the latest information about Congress including

  • Current or historical legislatve activity
  • Members’ legislative records and press releases
  • Committee Activity and press releases

Tailor your own lists for email updates and RSS feeds on specific bills, committee activities, or individual Members of Congress. To create a new list visit your tracker lists page. To add a new tracker to a list simply click on the green track button at the top of any GovTrack page.

Use a built-in text comparison tool to view legislative text side-by-side to previous versions or related legislation, which can be found on the right hand sidebar of every bill text page.

Get GovTrack analysis on trends in congressional data, such as annual legislative report cards for each member with key statistics their role in Congress.

Search through a database of congressional procedures

We’ve collected all of the Congressional Research Services reports on congressional procedures on GovTrack’s Congressional Procedures, Rules, and Norms page. Reports are gathered from