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Breasts and Eggs
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  (page 355 of 430)
"First half a bit of a blow read, but the 2nd half becomes fiercely compelling especially when they begin to debate the ethics of donor sperms babies and the lack of consideration for children born with no knowledge of who their father/lineage is." 13 hours, 46 min ago

Your Soul Had a D...

  (page 136 of 288)
"Part 1, navigating life's initiatory gateways, dark nights- recognising the events, situations, confrontations, the inexplicable that just arrives, demanding that we look within even when it comes from the external

It was good to take a break after reading this section, to look back with the gift of hindsight and refrain the past, pause and wonder about the present before part 2, understanding the shift, change..."
Dec 14, 2024 12:13AM

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Elaine Feeney
“How can I miss someone I have never met? Jamie said.
Grief was profoundly different for both humans. One felt an intense anger he had never recovered from, the other knew something was missing, a vacuum to where a mother should fit, and he had a fixed determination to fill it.”
Elaine Feeney, How to Build a Boat

“Fear of the abyss, then, might span the deepest recesses of the psychodrama of selfhood and much more mundane and awkward anxieties about human status. Somewhere between fear and oblivion and fear of what the neighbours might say. Collapsing the distance between the biggest and the smallest questions, as if there were no difference between asking, 'Why am I here?' and asking 'What do they think of me?”
Gargi Bhattacharyya

“No stories are entirely imaginary, cherub, he'd said then. Everything is always a little bit real. Sometimes you steal things from other stories and change them until they work how you like.”
Jo Hamya, The Hypocrite

“We know that now. Vehicles of transportation include, according to the scholar of memory studies Marianne Hirsch, "narratives, actions and symptoms." The stories we tell and don't tell, the actions we take and don't take, the symptoms expressed by a mother holding the trauma tightly to herself, because she refused to burden her children with it.”
Carmel Mc Mahon, In Ordinary Time: Fragments of a Family History

“The industrial ghost towns, the late spring rain, the wide, low skies. The old sadness rising. An excess of black bile, they used to say, made the melancholic personality. Freud said that mourning and melancholia are akin in that they are both responses to loss. Mourning is a conscious and healthy response to the loss of a love object. Melancholia is more complicated. It operates on a subconscious level. All the feelings of loss are present, but for what? The melancholic cannot say. This, Freud says, is a pathology.”
Carmel Mc Mahon, In Ordinary Time: Fragments of a Family History

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