Tuareg Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tuareg" Showing 1-5 of 5
J.M.G. Le Clézio
“They were the men and the women of the sand, of the wind, of the light, of the night. They appeared as in a dream, at the crest of a dune, as if they were born of the cloudless sky.”
J.M.G. Le Clézio

Waheed Ibne Musa
“In the tribe of Tuareg, men instead of women cover their faces with a blue veil. The tourists who come there call them the ‘Blue Men of the Sahara’.”
Waheed Ibne Musa, Johnny Fracture

Michael Asher
“They glided out of the heat-haze on their camels like specters. There were twenty of them, and they were Tuareg. Their faces were hidden by black veils that left only slits for the eyes, and they wore purple robes that fluttered in the desert wind. They carried swords, muskets and seven-foot iron spears, and wore stilettos in sheaths on their left forearms. They were an impressive, sinister sight.”
Michael Asher, Death in the Sahara: The Lords of the Desert and the Timbuktu Railway Expedition Massacre

ألبرتو باثكث - فيكيروا
“غابة من الأبنية تستحم ببحر شاسع من الملح،في كثير من زواياها ترتفع نوافير يتدفق منها ماء عذب في يوم واحد اكثر مما يستهلكه بدوي في حياته كلها، وتنتصب فوق ارض حجرية تصلح فقط كجحور لألاف الفئران. وتتحول مدينة كهذه بالطبع، الى المكان الاكثر دهاء وبسالة ونبلاً وذكاء من رجل "أموهاغ" من قبيلة كيل_تالغيموس المباركة، ويشعر بالعجز عن القتال فيها مثل الأكثر وضاعة من عبيد "عملي".”
ألبرتو باثكث فيكيروا
tags: tuareg

J.M.G. Le Clézio
“Ils étaient les hommes et les femmes du sable, du vent, de la lumière, de la nuit. Ils étaient apparus, comme dans un rêve, en haut d’une dune, comme s’ils étaient nés du ciel sans nuages.”
J.M.G. Le Clézio