Empathic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "empathic" Showing 1-30 of 37
Anthon St. Maarten
“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
Anthon St. Maarten

George K. Simon Jr.
“Playing the victim role: Manipulator portrays him- or herself as a victim of circumstance or of someone else's behavior in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion and thereby get something from another. Caring and conscientious people cannot stand to see anyone suffering and the manipulator often finds it easy to play on sympathy to get cooperation.”
George K. Simon Jr., In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing With Manipulative People

Erik Pevernagie
“Cordial or commercial, that may be the question. How pleasant is it not, to experience the instantaneity and the radiance of a sunny smile or to scent unsuspectingly an air of friendly willingness. In contrast, however, how smashingly disheartening is it not when everything appears to be merely contrived or profit driven and anything but cordial or empathic. The magic of genuine feelings is a precious value and has to be cherished and remain uncorrupted. We mustn’t consent to feelings being faked or deteriorated. ("A Thousand times touched." )”
Erik Pevernagie

C. JoyBell C.
“I think people believe empathy to be compassion, that compassion is an inner sense (a sense of the soul). But empathy is a sense, while compassion isn't a sense. Empathy is an affinity, a communion, a comprehension. They say that empathy is compassion, but I think that the two are independent of each other. You see, through empathy you will feel what another is feeling, including all those plans for manipulation and persuasion. You will feel everything, not just the parts that make you take compassion for the person, but also all the red flags! You see, empathy is a sense that works with the other senses such as foresight and intuition. So, we can feel compassion but we have to move with empathy.”
C. JoyBell C.

Rose  Rosetree
“Many empaths are deeply spiritual people. So we look for signs, synchronicities, messages. Well, everything that happens does NOT have to be a sign... or carry any other big subjective meaning.”
Rose Rosetree, Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

Rose  Rosetree
“Whenever you ask God to help your inner life, it's impossible to ask too much. Give yourself permission to ask big. Demand that God give you more than a thimble-sized blessing.

Ask for huge amounts of self-love, self confidence, spiritual awakening, clarity, personal power. Or choose anything else that will strengthen you.”
Rose Rosetree, Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

Rose  Rosetree
“I stay myself, doing what I do, feeling as I feel, unapologetically saying and doing things in my own way.”
Rose Rosetree, Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

Rose  Rosetree
“Does it make you selfish, paying attention to yourself? Definitely not! Especially when you’re a skilled empath. Non-empaths automatically treat themselves as The Most Important Person in the Room. And it’s perfectly fine for you to do it too.”
Rose Rosetree, Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

Linnea Sinclair
“...But as for Gabriel Sullivan." Ren reach out his six-fingered hand toward me. I clasped it. Warmth flooded me. But something else. Certainty. Trust. Compassion. Courage. He pulled his hand back, smiled. "That is all I can tell you.”
Linnea Sinclair, Gabriel's Ghost

Sylvia L'Namira
“Orang yang merasa dirinya paling benar dan paling penting, tidak akan pernah bisa berempati terhadap orang lain.

Yang akan dilakukannya adalah justru mengambil hak orang lain.”
Sylvia L'Namira

Sandra Cooze
“I AM AN EMPATH – Watching certain types of movies can become unbearable. The energy of TV and Radio can be maddening. I know your feelings better than you do. I know when you lie. I crave solitude. I need order or I can’t think straight. Complete strangers tell me their life story. – I AM A HEALER”
Sandra Cooze, Journey to Your Self - How to Heal from Trauma: Written by Someone Who Did

Richie Norton
“Where empathy fails, charity fills.”
Richie Norton

Anthon St. Maarten
“Every empath must ultimately face a life-defining choice: survive or thrive.”
Anthon St. Maarten

“The word “empath” jumped up in my awareness a few years after I had already been in the States. When I first came across it, it felt so woo-woo and new-agey that the “normal” part of me balked at it. It was hard enough to own being a Highly Sensitive Person, words that had research backing them. But this empath thing, this was taking it even a step further. It veered off into ambiguous, questionable territory. In fact, when I had first stumbled across the word online, trying to find a way to understand a part of my sensitivity that being an HSP didn’t quite encapsulate, I hadn’t even thought that it could possibly have anything to do with me. But the more I listened to other people’s stories, the more I followed the breadcrumbs, the more it started feeling that although the words that people used to describe their empath experiences were foreign, what they were talking about was essentially my own experience. It was just that some of these people connected that experience to belief systems I didn’t always resonate with while some others wrapped up the word in explanations that felt like the making up of a false story. But slowly, I could see that at the heart of it, beyond the cloak of words, beyond the different interpretations that people gave, our experiences felt similar. Like these so-called empaths, I often felt flooded with other people’s feelings. Their curiosity, worry and frustration jumped out at me. This often made me feel like I was walking through emotional minefields or collecting new feelings like you would collect scraps of paper. Going back to India after moving to the States, each time, I was stuck by how much all the little daily interactions, packed tightly in one day, which were part of my parents’ Delhi household, affected me energetically. Living in suburban America, I had often found the quiet too much. Then, I had thought nostalgically about India. Weeks could pass here without anyone so much as ringing the bell to our house. But it seemed like I had conveniently forgotten the other side of the story, forgotten how overstimulating Delhi had always been for me. There was, of course, the familiar sensory overload all around -- the continuous honking of horns, the laborers working noisily in the house next door, the continuous ringing of the bell as different people came and went -- the dhobi taking the clothes for ironing, the koodawalla come to pick up the daily trash, the delivery boy delivering groceries from the neighborhood kiraana store. But apart from these interruptions, inconveniences and overstimulations, there was also something more. In Delhi, every day, more lives touched mine in a day than they did in weeks in America. Going back, I could see, clearly for the first time, how much this sensory overload cost me and how much other people’s feelings leaked into mine, so much so that I almost felt them in my body. I could see that the koodawalla, the one I had always liked, the one from some kind of a “lower caste,” had changed in these past few years. He was angry now, unlike the calm resignation, almost acceptance he had carried inside him before. His anger seemed to jump out at me, as if he thought I was part of a whole tribe of people who had kept people like him down for years, who had relegated him to this lower caste, who had only given him the permission to do “dirty,” degrading work, like collecting the trash.”
Ritu Kaushal, The Empath's Journey: What Working with My Dreams, Moving to a Different Country and L

Jennifer Elizabeth Moore
“Every choice we make is an attempt to reach for something better. Real healing happens when we embrace our true selves, warts and all. We are innately resilient and capable of healing. Most pain is temporary; the keys to moving through it are acceptance and love.
Jennifer Elizabeth Moore, Empathic Mastery: A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success

Jennifer Elizabeth Moore
“What I have realized is that the biggest mistake I made was to underestimate what it means to be an empath. I underestimated myself. I underestimated my needs. I underestimated my sensitivity. I was trying to act like a normal person, as though if I acted like a normal person hard enough, somehow things would be different.”
Jennifer Elizabeth Moore, Empathic Mastery: A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional Hot Mess to Thriving Success

“Imperfection — core to the human condition — has a way of obscuring our vision… We are intrinsically flawed. In our deepest hearts, we view that flawed quality as essential.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (April 20

“The mind is the quintessential playground of empathy.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (April 20

“If being empathic is a sine qua non condition of a truly customercentric organisation, the only way to deliver on that quest is to show empathy to employees first. ”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“For a brand, it will be important to find ways to reinforce on a regular basis the empathic behaviour, coherent with the brand’s values.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“The two most flagrant killers of empathy are time pressure and stress.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“The best way of measuring empathy is against the lifetime value of one’s customers or the long-term engagement of one’s employees.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“Logic and empathy are difficult bed partners.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“Strengthening an organisation’s empathy muscle will require change management.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“One should not try to be empathic with customers without first having an empathic internal culture.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“Two strategic reasons for organisational empathy:
-To gain greater employee engagement
-To enhance the customer experience”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“Five ways to develop empathy:
-Listen actively
-Explore differences
-Read fiction
-Practice mindfulness
-Know why”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“The key is to establish the business’s In Real Life (IRL) ethical construct to formulate principles and rules to inform the machine how to learn to be empathic.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

“An adventure without risk,
is not an adventure.
A life without adventure
is a life less complete.”
Minter Dial, Heartificial Empathy, Putting Heart into Business and Artificial Intelligence (2023)

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