Data Mining Quotes

Quotes tagged as "data-mining" Showing 1-28 of 28
“To find signals in data, we must learn to reduce the noise - not just the noise that resides in the data, but also the noise that resides in us. It is nearly impossible for noisy minds to perceive anything but noise in data.”
Stephen Few, Signal: Understanding What Matters in a World of Noise

E.A. Bucchianeri
“You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting.”
E.A. Bucchianeri

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“In this new age where data is so abundant, our task as a civilization now is effective beneficial utilization. The challenge now is doing good things with that data - things that make our lives and the lives of future generations of people more fulfilling and more joyful and more prosperous.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Eli Pariser
“1973 Fair Information Practices:

- You should know who has your personal data, what data they have, and how it is used.
- You should be able to prevent information collected about you for one purpose from being used for others.
- You should be able to correct inaccurate information about you.
- Your data should be secure.

..while it's illegal to use Brad Pitt's image to sell a watch without his permission, Facebook is free to use your name to sell one to your friends.”
Eli Pariser, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You

Douglas Rushkoff
“Corporations [gained] direct access to what we may think of as our humanity, emotions, and agency but, in this context, are really just buttons.”
Douglas Rushkoff, Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take it Back

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Data is one of the most valuable resources of a bank.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“The purpose of mining data is to deduce insights and solve real world business problems.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Use the data from the clients you already have to help you find new clients just like them.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“Signals always point to something. In this sense, a signal is not a thing but a relationship. Data becomes useful knowledge of something that matters when it builds a bridge between a question and an answer. This connection is the signal.”
Stephen Few, Signal: Understanding What Matters in a World of Noise

“Perhaps its time to dumb down our “smart” life. We are being tracked, listened to, data mined, recorded, and so much more without our real knowing or understanding. When are we going to make a stand for our right to privacy? That’s Tremendo Bullship!”
Rosangel Perez

Nicky Verd
“Some people think Elon Musk bought Twitter but what he actually bought is DATA. Whoever has the best information wins. Data is the new oil!”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“All good decisions are Data dependent. To make good decisions, you need good data. And you need that good data to be organized according to it's applicable use value. So every business should be mining data and organizing data to enable business leaders to make good decisions on behalf of the business.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“Everything that informs us of something useful that we didn't already know is a potential signal. If it matters and deserves a response, its potential is actualized.”
Stephen Few

Franklin Foer
“It's a basic, intuitive right, worthy of enshrinement: Citizens, not the corporations that stealthily track them, should own their own data.”
Franklin Foer, World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech

“मैं नहीं चाहता कि मेरा मन खंगाला जाए
चाहे उसमें इस्तेमाल लायक कुछ भी न हो



24 Dec National Mathematics Day”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Olawale Daniel
“Data privacy is an illusion because you are not in control. Any information you don’t want out there shouldn’t be shared anywhere on and off the internet.”
Olawale Daniel

Olawale Daniel
“If you want to save money while traveling, always delete your browser cookies or use incognito mode before you book airline tickets online. The reason is, ticket prices go up when you visit travel websites multiple times because of collected browsing history data.”
Olawale Daniel

“If you mine the data hard enough, you can also find messages from God. [Dogbert]”
Scott Adams, Dilbert

Kent Stern
“You should be able to reconcile past events in a matter of seconds. However, if you do not know what is or has happened, you must take an offensive posture and actively seek out those agents and transactions based on multiple dimensions over time. This is the environment in which you will work and you must build a security model that can actively detect, monitor and pursue that activity.”
Kent Stern, Obtaining Actionable Intelligence for CINDER Threat Detection using DMX Mining Models

Bobby Darnell
“If you think implementing CRM costs too are doing it wrong.”
Bobby Darnell, Time For Dervin - Living Large In Geiggityville

“Perhaps it's time to dumb down our “smart” life. We are being tracked, listened to, data mined, recorded, and so much more without our real knowing or understanding. When are we going to make a stand for our right to privacy? That’s Tremendo Bullship!”
Rosangel Perez

“Once, a leader convinced others to act in the absence of information. Today, there’s simply too much information available. We don’t need to guess—we need to know where to focus. We need a disciplined approach to growth that identifies, quantifies, and overcomes risk every step of the way. Today’s leader doesn’t have all the answers. Instead, today’s leader knows what questions to ask.
Go forth and ask good questions.”
Alistair Croll, Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster

“The full derivation of Grand Master System PAISX triangulation revealed of It the PREFIX and SUFFIX for I/O respectively.”
Jonathan Roy

“I believe the technological industry is switching in a different direction that one may think in the Metaverse. Why spend trillions of dollars on big data when it is becoming more useless? We need dynamic content to create a boom in the tech industry for the next millennium. Why hire someone with a 4 year degree from college for a career in database administration when companies can't afford to pay 100k a year? We can manage it quite fine in google sheets or excel. The utilization of AI will then completely defeat the purpose of Data As A Service when a program can dynamically build hash objects in random access memory by simply using a small script like (via switch) while creating a [5th XYZ Stargate] just like the Diablo version, but with a smaller seed. You could then store those objects for the blockchain Inna virtualized file container ;)." - Jonathan Roy Mckinney”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“I define that the tech industry switches in all directions contrary to what people believe as the norm for the new Metaverse. Why spend trillions of dollars on big data when it is becoming more useless? We need dynamic content to create a boom in the tech industry for the next millennium. Why hire someone with a 4 year college degree for a career in database administration when companies can't afford to pay 100k a year? We can manage information stores perfectly fine with google sheets or microsoft excel. I thought that utilizing AI would completely switch off problematics in relationship to Data As A Service when programs are dynamically building hash tables for objects in random access memory, storing them as blockchains Inna virtualized file container ;)." - Jonathan Roy Mckinney”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

Anthony McCarten
“...I can’t approve of a private company that profits from algorithmic amplification, dissemination and micro targeting of corrupt information, much of it produced by coordinated schemes of disinformation that splinter our shared reality, poison social discourse and paralyse democratic politics...
Anthony McCarten, Going Zero

“Force our every interaction online so they can scrape it for data and sell predictions to shadowy forces of what we'll do before we know ourselves.”
Clare Pollard, Delphi

“The entire [US Government] project rested on the premise that 'terrorist signatures' actually existed. Yet this premise did not hold up. The conclusion was inevitable: "The one thing predictable anout predictive daya mining for terrrorism is that it would be consistently wrong". Any single, universal model of 'terrorist' will unavoidably fail to account for the wide varieties of different terror attacks around the world.”
John Cheney-Lippold, We Are Data: Algorithms and the Making of Our Digital Selves