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Doubt #1

DOUBT, Vol. 1

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Rabbit Doubt—a mobile phone game—has taken Japan by storm. In it, players are rabbits who must uncover the wolf in rabbit's clothing before falling prey to its mistrust-sowing wiles...as well as its teeth. When a group of teen players decides to meet offline for fun, the last thing they expect is to lose consciousness and wake up trapped in an abandoned building, mysterious bar codes tattooed on their bodies, and a corpse strung up in front of them. To stay alive and find a way out, they have but one option—to sniff out the lying wolf in their midst. Will these virtual acquaintances be able to pull it together in the real world and figure out what's going on in time to avoid ending up as the wolf's dinner?

408 pages, Paperback

First published December 27, 2007

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About the author

Yoshiki Tonogai

55 books128 followers
Yoshiki Tonogai (外海良基 Tonogai Yoshiki, born March 14) is a Japanese manga artist from Shiga, Japan.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 311 reviews
Profile Image for Jen.
454 reviews4,604 followers
December 13, 2020
So far the setup to this has been incredibly tense and creepy. I love the non-battle battle manga. Will post a more comprehensive review tonight.
Profile Image for Jim Ef.
387 reviews97 followers
December 22, 2015
One day a wolf snuck into a group of friendly rabbits. As the others fell asleep the wolf appeard in it's natural form. Day by day, one by one, the wolf killed and ate the rabbits. The rabbits not knowing which was the wolf, arranged a meeting. Then the tribunal decided on the one amongst them that they believed to be the wolf and killed it. If they chose correctly the rabbits win, if the were wrong, all the rabbits would be killed and eaten by the wolf. This is the story of such a game

6 players, 5 of them are the rabbits, 1 is the wolf. The question is who?

Very interesting 1st volume. Nice horror atmosphere that remindes me the movie "Saw".
Profile Image for Julie.
267 reviews133 followers
July 24, 2014
This manga reminds me of a game I used to play. It was called 999: 9 Persons, 9 Hours, 9 Doors and was based on a group of characters kidnapped and forced into playing a nonary game. I would go into the rules but I'm writing this review quite late, I'm exhausted from the stress of school and I'd probably confuse you more with a failed attempt at explaining it. It was a very interesting game however, with several endings to unlock. The game usually ended in deaths and they would also have wristwatches with bomb timers on to unlock doors just like in Doubt (except without the bombs from what I've read so far). The aim of escaping kept my interest and it was well paced. I loved the artwork, the bunny heads look genuinely creepy and the remains of characters were drawn well. I'm quite enjoying this manga so far and can't wait to continue and gain all the answers, I love it when something manages to actually keep my heart racing throughout which this manga certainly seems to be able to do so. I wouldn't suggest this manga to easily scared people or just those who tend to avoid gore/horror. It's not too bad in those aspects but it could affect some people. I for one enjoy them, or at least find them interesting and the plot of this manga is very interesting and constantly keeping me on edge. I hope my review for the rest of the manga will be just as stellar ... is that the right phrasing?
Profile Image for Veronica Morfi.
Author 3 books409 followers
September 26, 2015
Full series rating: 5/5

Maybe it was a bad idea to read this right before going to bed. Firstly, because I started thinking I will only read volumes 1 and 2 but then ended up reading the whole thing, and picking up the creators next series. Once you start this make sure you have all the volumes because you will need to know who the wolf is.

Okay, let me explain the game that this series is about, Doubt Rabbit. There is a group of people (the rabbits) but amongst them there is a hidden killer (the wolf). Every night the wolf will kill one of the other rabbits. Every day the rabbits will decide to kill one of their group, the one they believe is the wolf. The wolf will try to manipulate them into killing each other until he is the only left. And that's Doubt Rabbit. Kind of reminds me of Palermo, if you know the game.

Anyways, in Doubt a group of people that actually play the game online get trapped and are forced to play the game in real life. With a real killer and real victims.

I had one suspect from the very first chapter and even though I was right, this book had so many more surprises I didn't see coming. Really creepy, gave me a lot of chills and made me look under my bed. So, if you pick this one up, be prepared for a wild ride...
Profile Image for Sushi (寿司).
611 reviews156 followers
September 25, 2018
Credo che l'autore abbia uno smisurato amore per gli animali. Ok, è il primo che leggo ma mentre lo compravo su Amazon ho visto le copertine delle serie Secret e Judge e c'erano altri umanimali come le copertine di Doubt. Ora se avessi visto solo le covers di Doubt non direi niente in fondo si parla di conigli ma tre serie manga mi fanno pensare.

E a proposito mi piace ma attenti che tra di noi si nasconde un lupo.

🐰 Un giorno ...un lupo si infilò di nascosto in un branco di conigli.
🐺 Il lupo veniva allo scoperto quando tutti i conigli erano addormentati.
🐰 ...e ogni notte ne divorava uno.
🐺 I conigli non sapevano chi di loro fosse il predatore. Ne discussero e...
🐰 ...poi...
🐺 ...decisero di giustiziare ogni volta il coniglio sospettato di essere il lupo.
🐰 Se fosse davvero il lupo i conigli avrebbero vinto.
🐺 In caso contrario...
🐰 I conigli sarebbero stati divorati dal lupo. Tutti.
🐺 Questo è il gioco.
Profile Image for Noran Miss Pumkin.
463 reviews99 followers
May 15, 2012
Playing online-you meet up with others from the game. hey, lets all be friends, though most of us are strangers?!?! So, let's go to Karaoke-since that is what all Japanese kids with their free time, other that video games. Now we had fun, and oh where are we now? Why were we asleep? Why is one of us hanging dead, dripping blood in this scary place?!?!??!???! Just as Holmes would-"The game is afoot!". Who is killing who-oh just like on the online game we all play?
Profile Image for amy.
283 reviews44 followers
February 24, 2019
this was really fun and i'm intrigued to see where it goes but the sexism of the art was so distracting and honestly really gross.. the female body was sexualised for the male gaze and the girl in this was a teenager.. it was honestly just really creepy and i haate that about manga. hopefully they stop doing that over the next few volumes..
Profile Image for Gus.
587 reviews58 followers
April 3, 2018
--- Doubt 1-4 ---
Plot: Awalnya bagus, tapi penjelasan akhirnya malah bukan cangkir saya.
Penokohan: ...Ok.
Gambar: Ok.

Ini komik kedua Tanogai sensei yang saya baca.
Kubeli karena salah satu sahabat saya bilang: "Ini jauuuh lebih seru dan tidak terduga daripads Judge lho!" //kuranglebihbegini.

Tidak lebih bagus my ass! X"D //gusyangsopanwoi //ah,maaf.

Soal plot, saya sudah tahu kalau Tanogai sensei pandai membangun suasana horor dan ala-ala game werewolf. Komik ini pun punya landasan yang lumayan menarik dan misteri yang cukup untuk memberikan kesan horor bagi saya.

Alur plot yang dibuka sedikit-sedikit dengan twist yang tidak benar-benar dari kelalaian mata pembaca pasti akan membuat pembaca baru sensei merasa kaget. Tapi jika sudah pernah membaca Pandora Heart atau karya Judge-nya Tanogai sensei, dijamin twistnya sangat terduga "rute"-nya.

Saya kadang masih bisa bertoleransi dengan gaya twist sensei.
Tapi. Itu. Tidak. Berarti. Saya. Menerima. Penjelasan. Akhir. Dari. Misteri. Yang. Sensei. Tuliskan.

Tidak bercanda.

Kurasa itu saja.
Temanku suka sekali buku ini. Tetapi saya malah tidak.
[ 6 /10 ]
Profile Image for Ellis ♥.
952 reviews10 followers
August 1, 2016
Ho scoperto questa serie praticamente per caso, invogliata dalla trama originale mi sono lasciata trascinare dagli eventi letteralmente divorando, in appena un giorno, tutti e 4 i tomi. Sebbene l'argomento trattato non sia dei più allegri, il mangaka riesce nell'intento di avvincere chi legge incutendo una climax ascendente di ansia e angoscia, costruendo una fitta rete di eventi dalla quale, fino all'epilogo (che non è una vera e propria conclusione, ma bensì un finale aperto), è davvero difficile capire chi possa essere il Lupo e quali sono le motivazioni che lo spingono a questo gesto scellerato. La psicologia dei personaggi, nonostante la serie non sia costituita da molti numeri, risulta tratteggiata con cura. Le tavole sono ben fatte: i disegni risultano inquietanti quanto basta, ma senza scadere nello splatter puro.
Dopo aver letto questo manga non guarderò più i coniglietti di peluche con gli stessi occhi. :P
Voto complessivo alla serie: 5 su 5.
Profile Image for Thomas.
126 reviews12 followers
August 6, 2015



The mystery & suspense kept me captivated throughout -- this book was TENSE!

The plot twists & reveals were hands down the best I have read -- FRICKING AMAZING!

And that cliff hanger literally made my jaw drop!

One of the BEST manga I've read -- kept me captivated & on the edge of my seat the whole time!!
Profile Image for Elena Rodríguez.
978 reviews480 followers
May 27, 2021
Me recuerda a una mezcla del juego tipo "Among us " y compañía mezclado con las películas SAW. Se lee bastante rápido. Asimismo, por el momento parece un manga bastante flojo y un poco previsible. Son tres tomos, a ver el resto. Creo que a mi yo de hace 10 años le hubiera gustado mucho más.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
299 reviews51 followers
March 18, 2019
I really want to read more horror manga but I think it takes a unique skill to write psychological horror, weaving mystery and surprise together. I just wasn't really into this and would only want to read the second volume to see how it ends.
Profile Image for Shylo.
275 reviews4 followers
November 18, 2020
Are you a fan of psychological thriller? Do you like Saw, Danganronpa, or Among Us? This manga is similar. Some kids are stuck in a building. There is a killer. Will they escape before everyone is dead?
Profile Image for SwedishGeekGirl.
441 reviews29 followers
May 25, 2022
Creepy mind games, perfect manga for the october nights ;)
Doubt volume 1 by Yoshiki Tonogai get a 9.2/10 stars.
Profile Image for Melisa.
102 reviews22 followers
July 8, 2018
Mein erster Manga überhaupt und ich bin begeistert!
Profile Image for Gavin Abdollahi .
262 reviews
May 17, 2017
So, my quest of reading manga without an anime led me to this.
Rabbit Doubt was some creepy, spine tingling, hair raising, thrilling fun.
Volume one, at least.
Do not mistake me:

Story:: 6/10

The plot is kind of idiotic, if you ask me.
There's this new game called Rabbit Doubt that's going viral.
In this group game, a person is appointed as the Wolf, and he must make the other players doubt and fight among themselves.
A group of people decide to play, have a karaoke night, get knocked out, wake up, and find themselves in a mysterious place where a rabbit masked person tries to kill them.
Problem is, besides the fact that a rabbit masked person is trying to kill them, is that the killer seems to be among themselves.

Why is the story stupid?--->

Mystery is too... Obvious.

Also, the story is too fast paced!

But, it's fun enough, so...

Characters: 6/10

Our protagonist is at first a person who wants to protect his best friend (stereo-type shounen), then,

The people adapt too fast... Especially the protagonist.

Seriously, if I I think I might be more than a bit scarred.

Writing: 10/10 (Volume 1), 6/10 (The Rest)

Volume one was great.
The mangaka set the perfect tones, used the right kind of art for the right kind of scenes, and THRILLED me.
If you click on my Thrilling bookshelf, you will see that there are less than five books with that shelf. That should say something.

Volumes 2-4?
Not so good.
Rushed. Lazy. Must I go on?

Art: 7.5/10

The art during the horror scenes was great. But the art during everything else... Not so good.
Characters aren't exactly easy to tell apart at times... Like, when the big reveal was made? I did not recognize who it was for a while. Also, there was a scene I did not understand and would not have understood if the translator had not made a note.

All in all, volume 1 was WOW...
But the rest?
Not WOW.

There's a continuation called Judge, and another called Secret, by the way, if you didn't know. I may or may not read them... If I do, though, I won't be rushing to them.

---> Whole Series 3.5 Stars.
Profile Image for Jillian -always aspiring-.
1,838 reviews545 followers
May 29, 2020
2020Read #452

This is no Battle Royale or even Assassination Classroom, and even the mystery aspect doesn’t do much to thrill as far as deduction goes. The characters also weren’t engaging enough to root for to get through this game of theirs.
Profile Image for Liselotte.
1,064 reviews14 followers
June 17, 2022
Pretty ok manga, not that creepy and you can see who it is from 10 km away, but other than that pretty fun!
Profile Image for Gunslingerdog.
16 reviews3 followers
September 20, 2011
[[Review of entire Doubt series]]

Usually, I'm not into horror anything. I can take it better in books and manga perhaps because I can take it slower. The sudden burst in adrenaline is what I hate - especially if it's those jump-scares. Takes a while for my heart to get back to normal as I'm cursing up a storm. My friends tease me about forcing me into a horror movie showing, only to get my angry response. I seriously can't take jump-scares and mutilation. I start to imagine what's going inside a victim's body (the vein and artery ruptures, bone shatters, walls tearing, etc.) and I can't take it. It's not even so much the blood being present and out in the open because it's plenteous; but, when I see the flesh and other bits, time to GTFO.

When I was reading this manga, it was either during or after I was also in a RP for it with a friend of mine. (Probably after, but I did read the first couple of chapters for the RP). It helped me create one of my favorite female characters of all time, so, that, I must give thanks to.

I must also give thanks for the entertaining read.

A group of kids--- Ohshizclassstarting.


So where was I? Oh, yes.

A group of kids, various ages, get together to meet up because they all play this popular multiplayer cell game called Rabbit Doubt. Basically, hack off the potential wolf before it eats all your cuddly wittle wabbits. It's all harmless fun to just get together, have fun at the karaoke, you know, with people you played before - that's including one childhood friend. It's all good fun---

Well... fuck. Never mind!

That's right. As you guess it, it's not fun. No. It's bloody. With a game about distrusting others and trying to prove innocence, you're in a lose-lose situation. It's only a matter of time that people are going to suspect you. If you aren't soon, you are later. Don't trust your friends; don't trust your past relationships; don't trust who you thought were kind, whole-hearted people.

No. You survive.

But how can you? Any one of them could be the murderer, the 'wolf', but they are just as scared as you are. The only clues you have to discovering the secrets behind why the game is coming alive are the bar codes tattooed on everyone's bodies (in some not nice bits, for one or two people).

How are you going to get everyone to cooperate if they are all on the edge? How are you going to get everyone to use their bar codes with the intention of keeping them alive if they suspect that you're going to kill them?

This kind of thing is not new. (What is new nowadays?) What got me was the execution (lol 'execution'--- I mean, cough) and loving the idea of trust (ever since Battle Royale, aw yeah) turning back on yourself. As Yuu Aikawa, you want everyone to be alive, especially your friend Mitsuki - but you are especially the one peculiar among everyone. You don't have a bar code. Bar codes open doors. You don't have one.

Oh shi---

No, wait, everyone! I didn't---! LISTEN.


A rather suspenseful tale where death is nigh, I really liked it. Wish the characters were fleshed out more personality-wise outside of backstory dropping, but at least the mangaka showed us their stories eventually. It's gruesomely violent when the reader does get around to the deaths, so don't read if you're expecting bloodless finishers and don't have the stomach for it.

It's Saw-like - the best American way to put it.

Con(s)? Oh yeah.

The ending. No spoilers but it was a bit ridiculous coming from the killer. Possible bad ending because it cuts off to let the reader decide what happened. And no: there are no other Doubt sources to conclude it after that last volume. While I did feel like I got cheated because of what possibly happens to the character (I liked them, dammit!) but how it all happened then just got... silly. I would have been fine if the whole events started because of the first reason (you know, the one without the biggest suspension of belief, for those that have already read them all) but... but...

Then I just felt like punching the killer right in the face. Screw over everyone because of what happened to you? YEAH. HOW LOGICAL AND NICE YOU ARE.

'Sides that, the pacing and suspense sold well to me. Again, I'm very much into trust turning back on people, so I also loved how everyone was doubtful of each other despite some having the best intentions and plans. Would like more fleshing out from the characters other than the main character and his friend; but, as you learn from reading these types of books, it's hard to do so when the focus is on the death of these poor, unfortunate souls.

-1 Star just for that ending. Seriously. I mean, I still liked it, but I had to suspend my belief a lot for that.

Mangaka, you know that what you did to kickstart the whole events was so sadistic. You know as well as everyone knows Yuu had the best intention for her.
639 reviews
January 16, 2011
So, this is review is for the overall series.

I finished reading the entire series on January 16, 2011.

So... The series is about a few teenagers who get stuck in an abandoned hospital and must play a game called Rabbit Doubt, or Bunny Doubt or something. I think it's the first one. Int he game, there is a wolf and the rest of the players are rabbits. The wolf will keep killing people one by one till there is no one left but the wolf. So the players have to figure out ho the wolf is and kill him or her.

So, most of the time, it seems like everyone is the fricken wolf. Not at the same time, butduring different times. But, I had one main suspect who the real wolf was and I was right. YAYAY! I really hate that person and I knew it was that person. There were clues....

The ending was so, UGGGHHHH! Like, you think, what the hell is gonna happen! Is everything gonna be OK, or is everything gonna be horrible. I have to say is that the main chracter is kinda an idiot, to get tricked that easily. By the wolf. But who's the wolf!?!?!?!?!?

I hate the fact that that certain person was tricked and bleh. Because it was just sad and the wolf is just plain evil. HAHAH, my brother didn't expect that the wolf was that peron and I laughed because I knew from the start.

Eiji was kinda a useless character. Like he was just there because they needed players. I dunno.

Weak-minded people out there, I forbid you to play this game even though it's probably not real lie it was in the manga. I forbid you to play because, you'retoo weak-minded to 'think' for yourself... ANd other reasons...

So overall, I give this manga 4 stars for the good moments, the bad moments and the RIDICULOUS moments. And yeah...

P.S. When I was reading the pre-story story,I was really scared to read the manga. I'm such a big baby... LOL. THe manga wasn't as scary as I thought.
Profile Image for kris.
405 reviews62 followers
July 29, 2020
7.28.20 update: rating changed to 2.5/5. This book was ok/alright/meh.


OK so I'm reading this online and the version I was reading made it super unclear where the volume distinctions were, but I finally figured it out. Overall, this is really like if you took a Mafia game and mashed it up with the Saw franchise.

I really don't know what to think about this?? Honestly, for me I think it suffers a bit from how quick of a read it is. Maybe it's because I've been reading Liar Game which has huge monologues, but the dialogue is really minimal in this, so although the volume was like 400 pages long, I flew through it. Which, for me, always leads to me being much less invested in the story because I'm not spending much time reading it or getting invested in the characters. So despite just spending 400 pages with them, I'm still not super invested in what's going on. Honestly, I'm not even super compelled by whodunnit, which is surprising me. That said, I am enjoying it. Not loving it or anything, but it's interesting. It feels very surface level/basic but then again that could be due to the speed at which I'm reading it.

I will say though, I think the dialogue and panels jump around a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I accidentally skipped a page because it seems like I'm missing something, but nope, we just suddenly jumped to some totally different topic with no warning. Lots of non-sequiturs.

All this said, I've only read about half the story-- I'm gonna read volume 2 tomorrow and hopefully then I'll have a clearer opinion on the full series.
vol 1 = chapters 1-9
Profile Image for Matti Karjalainen.
3,069 reviews62 followers
March 10, 2017
Joukko Susi vs. Kanit -kännykkäpeliin koukkuun jääneitä nuoria löytää itsensä hylätystä sairaalarakennuksesta, ja sitten peli muuttuu todeksi: yksi tytöistä murhataan ja muiden käsivarsiin on tatuoitu viivakoodeja, joilla sairaalan ovia voi avata.

Yoshiki Tonogain neliosaisessa mangassa "Doubt" (Punainen jättiläinen, 2013) on sinänsä ihan jännittävä ja mielenkiintoinen juoni, kun nuoret yrittävät selvittää onko heidän keskuudessaan murhaaja, vai onko kaikki jonkun pirullisen ulkopuolisen käsialaa.

Sarjakuva on kuitenkin kauhulle kovin vaikea formaatti, ja pariin otteeseen tuli mieleen että pimeillä sairaalan käytävillä hiippailu olisi voinut toimia paremmin elokuvana. Sarjakuvan henkilöhahmot eivät myöskään tässä tyylilajissa saisi olla kovin yksiulotteista tykinruokaa, jotta lukija voisi kiintyä heihin, ja välittää todella siitä mitä seuraavaksi tapahtuu. Nyt ei niin oikein käy.

Kaksi tähteä on ehkä liian vähän, mutta kolme tuntuu taas liian paljolta.
Profile Image for Emily Scott.
1 review
July 25, 2017
I went into this book with some sense of hype after a certain YouTuber kept mentioning it as one of his favorite horror manga of all time and how much he wished it was an anime and so I was expecting something good, unique and original... but what I got was something bland, predictable, cliche and basically saw without the psychological thriller edge or elaborate traps. It's not terrible by any means just extremely mediocre. I'd pretty much guessed the entire story within the first chapter and the overall motivations and ending were weak and honestly completely unsatisfactory. That said I feel like I'm being harsh on this series and the author because my expectations were higher than this story could have hoped to fulfill... I wouldn't call it a horror story either it's just kind of a whodunnit. It has its positives and some pretty good imagery but ultimately nothing too exciting. Not something to read after an Ito Junji marathon for sure. :P
Profile Image for Katherine.
452 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2021
Un grupo de desconocidos, unidos por un juego en línea, en el que deben descubrir al lobo disfrazado de conejo, deciden conocerse en persona. Van a un Karaoke y todo va bien hasta que despiertan en un lugar abandonado, con unos códigos de barra en su piel. Ha pasado algo horrible, y se dan cuenta que la única forma de vivir es descubrir al lobo que está entre ellos.

Un manga entretenido, aunque a ratos crees que se hace un poco predecible, pero luego te sorprende y no es lo que pensabas.

Es un manga tipo survival de terror psicológico bien interesante, que espero que tenga más acción en los siguientes tomos, pero qué dan ganas de seguir leyendolo.
Profile Image for T. Scott.
505 reviews
July 5, 2016
This was my first full manga volume. The art and plot were confusing throughout and the characters motives were ridiculous. Also, there are so few backgrounds in the panels that it often feels like a sketchbook. I have enjoyed some good anime and I'm sure good, quality manga is out there. This was not it.
Profile Image for Spirite.
4 reviews
February 3, 2020

My final thoughts over the whole series: O-v-e-r-h-y-p-e-d

Can't tell you how many of my friends (this was way back in uni, by the way) kept telling me to read this. In the end, it was just meh.

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Profile Image for Tony.
484 reviews7 followers
September 12, 2014
I liked the idea and some of the designs (particularly the rabbit stuff) but the storytelling is so poor and the characters are so annoying that I was glad to be done with it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 311 reviews

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