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Collections used near tm1544
Events On This Day In History
Article by Thomas Nugent, with 54722 words, 1,970 images and viewed 10,344 times.
Updated 6 days ago.
Events On This Day In History
Every day there are anniversaries of events that have taken place throughout Britain and Ireland over the years. Sometimes Geograph has displayed a picture marking a particular anniversary as ‘Picture of The Day’.
This article is intended to use Geograph ...
Descriptive words on OS maps
Article by David Hawgood, with 20201 words, 1,716 images and viewed 24,474 times.
Updated 14 days ago.
This is a work in progress. Through the Geograph discussion forum we are collecting examples of as many descriptive words as possible used on Ordnance Survey maps, and we want examples of others. We have also worked through OS Mastermap Real World Object Catalogue . This lists anything which can be ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2011
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4285 words, 2,555 images and viewed 2,081 times.
Updated 17 days ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Tunnicliffe ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2009
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4667 words, 2,575 images and viewed 1,688 times.
Updated 18 days ago.
A: adam sommerville to Alexander P Kapp ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2023
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3950 words, 2,632 images and viewed 1,957 times.
Updated 18 days ago.
A: A J Paxton to AJD
A J Paxton (24602) 17
7439640 7440953 7452414 7453120 7457428 7463762 7476781 7502562 7521399 7547667 7572296 7574557 7574568 7597678 7636396 7662933 7677525 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2022
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3897 words, 2,620 images and viewed 2,317 times.
Updated 19 days ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 5
7129553 7129728 7148401 7174714 7282805 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY 2021
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3946 words, 2,642 images and viewed 2,196 times.
Updated 20 days ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 11
6832259 6849153 6865343 6880916 6882962 6882932 6916413 ...
Preserved diesel locomotives of British Rail
Article by Roger Cornfoot, with 3654 words, 1,031 images and viewed 9,175 times.
Updated 23 days ago.
Manufacturers in the United States and mainland Europe had started building diesel locomotives from the late 19th century and in large numbers from the 1930s onwards. In the UK, most of the pre-grouping companies experimented with them. The LMS produced a successful series of diesel shunting ...
The Football Grounds of Britain and Ireland 2022-23
Article by Roger Cornfoot, with 3245 words, 817 images and viewed 7,947 times.
Updated 27 days ago.
Page 1
An attempt to illustrate the football stadia of the British Isles, old and new, using some of the excellent photos from our Geograph contributors.
I have started with the senior clubs from England and Wales. More countries and levels of the 'pyramid' to follow!
Please let me know if you can ...
Class 153 diesel multiple units
Article by JThomas, with 2660 words, 295 images and viewed 5,462 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
[img=https://media.geograph.org.uk/files/1700002963a49da13542e0726b7bb758/153_front2.jpg FGW 153380 Looe Railway Station]
The Class 153 Super Sprinter is a single car diesel multiple unit (D.M.U.) converted from British Rail Class 155 units.
These units were originally built as two- ...
Village signs of Suffolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 1941 words, 867 images and viewed 10,496 times.
Updated 10 months ago.
An ornamental village sign is erected either at a principal road entrance or in a prominent location such as a village green to announce the village name to those entering the village. The design usually depicts a particular feature of the village or a scene from its history, heritage, or culture. ...
Inns and Public Houses in Suffolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 5238 words, 624 images and viewed 3,639 times.
Updated 18 months ago.
The number of pubs that have been lost over the years, their names perhaps forever lost into the mists of memory even if the building is still there. So before these ones disappear I thought them worthy of recollection here.
Post an image of the building and if possible the pub name sign.
To ...
New Year's Day 2010
Article by Penny Mayes, with 1229 words, 198 images and viewed 541 times.
Updated 19 months ago.
There was no forum-based collection of photos taken on New Year's Day, in 2010, apart from a few pics added to the 2009 thread. However, 198 contributors took and submitted photos of their outings on the day.
Much snow in the north and west of the Union, mostly cold and bright elsewhere.
I've ...
Watermills of the Suffolk Rivers
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 3701 words, 162 images and viewed 1,415 times.
Updated 37 months ago.
The 130 odd Suffolk watermills named in the list below is as near as possible a definitive list of known watermill sites in the county of Suffolk.
Where possible each site is accompanied by a map where the location is known. A photograph of the watermill, remains, or ground it once occupied is ...
War Memorials in Suffolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 11476 words, 701 images and viewed 8,220 times.
Updated 49 months ago.
4345670 4496659 4390489 4537946 4537443
War Memorials are something all of us pass every day but how much notice do we take of them and do we think of the people behind the names inscribed thereon. Some memorials have already been damaged or forgotten.
By assembling this collection which ...
Steam ships etc
Gallery started by Chris Allen, with 34 posts, 436 images and viewed 27,464 times.
Updated 50 months ago.
A gallery depicting the various types of vessel with steam plant, both self-propelled and dumb, as photographed by Geograph contributors around the UK.I personally have machinery space photographs of some 150 steam vessels and a ready to run digital presentation on steam ships. If anybody wants a ...
WW1 Great War Centenary - Auxiliary Hospitals
Article by John M, with 13227 words, 786 images and viewed 44,229 times.
Updated 66 months ago.
4134493 The British Red Cross WW1 Centenary Project are collecting memories and records for their work during the Great War. The Geograph Project can supplement this by providing a record of the surviving buildings that were used during this ...
IP2 Postboxes
Article by Geographer, with 48 words, 18 images and viewed 321 times.
Updated 74 months ago.
Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate Postboxes
3727780 3725950 3725949 3727777
Hadleigh Road Postbox
3726143 3726140 3726130 3726123
8 Belstead Road Edward VII Postbox
4148032 4148035 4148036 4148053
Postal addresses: a little history and a lot of photos
Article by Chris Downer, with 52102 words, 2,760 images and viewed 41,758 times.
Updated 79 months ago.
This article takes a little look back at the history of postal addressing, especially the period in the 1970s when the postcodes became national. We look at post towns, postal counties and postcodes and the way these have developed.
Following this, an album displays a photograph from ...
OS 50K Symbols - Tourist information
Article by David Hawgood, with 413 words, 46 images and viewed 23,537 times.
Updated 94 months ago.
This is one of a series of articles which give photographs of features on the ground which have standard symbols
on Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 maps, with map extracts showing the symbols. On the maps a blue circle is on or near
the symbol. Use the mouse to move the pointer over the blue circle on a ...
IP1 Postboxes
Article by Geographer, with 58 words, 26 images and viewed 175 times.
Updated 95 months ago.
2 St.Peters Street Postbox
4513480 4513485 4513487
Park Road George V Postbox
4730190 4729969 4730191 4729874 4729970
Silent Street Victorian Penfold Postbox
4605536 4605713 4605716 4605781 4605722
Ipswich School George VI Postbox
4729766 4730186 4729772 4729769 ...
IP3 Postboxes
Article by Geographer, with 130 words, 55 images and viewed 318 times.
Updated 95 months ago.
Purdis Croft Bucklesham Road George V Postbox
Murrills Road Postbox
2648513 2191353 2191357
Murrills Road Postbox
2191336 2191352
55 Lindbergh Road George VI Postbox
4180966 4180958 4180956 4180954
IP4 Postboxes
Article by Geographer, with 261 words, 121 images and viewed 273 times.
Updated 95 months ago.
Christchurch Post Office George VI Postbox
4730742 4730726 ] 4730728 4730738 4730729
158, Colchester Road George V Postbox
4591557 4591560 4591441
65, Colchester Road George V Postbox
4591440 4591429 4591434 [[[4591434
Cauldwell Hall Road Post Office George VI Postbox
4507739 ...
IP8 Postboxes
Article by Geographer, with 266 words, 143 images and viewed 538 times.
Updated 95 months ago.
Corner Farmhouse The Street Victorian Postbox
1175524 1175492 1175487 1175504
Post Office Postbox
3727383 3727375 3727373 3727370 3727368
32 Church Lane Postbox
3727278 3727259 3727258 3727250
Park Farm Postbox
3698197 3698175 3698170 3698156
Water Towers
Gallery started by Richard Greenwood, with 16 posts, 96 images and viewed 5,611 times.
Updated 157 months ago.
9736 52194 61671 83929 19608 60660 64367 85504 26342 61420 71129 90682 34964 61423 71952 106449 48092 61557 76235 108889 123093 163502 178902 237137 131300 163508 190696 242089 144535 165673 190696 250077 160041 173633 218511 251806 160045 174486 228638 303601 ...