Visitor Services Courses

These courses build the skills needed to develop, provide, and manage priority public uses and other recreation at FWS field stations. The training focuses on the Big Six priority public uses (hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation).

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see scheduled sessions in this category.

Target Audience: 

Visitor Services, Project Leaders, Planners, Communications Staff, Ecological Services, Collateral Duty Visitor Services Staff, Fisheries, Hatcheries, Community Outreach Staff.

Summary and Objectives: 

This course focuses on developing skills and strategies for...

Target Audience: 

FWS and NPS maintenance professionals with little experience with completing electrical, HVAC, and mechanical maintenance tasks.   

Summary and Objectives: 

This is an introductory course for maintenance professionals about the fundamentals of common...

Target Audience:  

VS Staff, Staff who are involved in Visitor Services Planning.  

Summary and Objectives:  

The Visitor Use Experience Approach is a systematic planning process for determining what visitor experiences will get you the most interpretive bang...

Target Audience:  

Conservation managers with the responsibility of working with volunteer programs.  

Summary and Objectives:  

Volunteers can play a critical factor in meeting the management objectives of the FWS. Participants in this course learn to develop...

Target Audience:  

Visitor Services Staff. The first class being held in March 2023 will be participants that will be selected by Regional Visitor Service (VS) Leads.  

Summary and Objectives:  

This training is designed for VS Planning and Review Team members...

Target Audience:  

Employees who supervise young adults in seasonal and internship positions.  

Summary and Objectives:  

Supervising young adults in seasonal and internship positions can be a new and challenging experience for even the most seasoned of...

Target Audience:

DOI employees responsible for managing and implementing outdoor recreation and outreach programs for field stations and other agency offices.

Summary and Objectives:

This course introduces the skills needed to develop an outreach program, outdoor skills center, or other...

Target Audience:

Service employees that develop and deliver environmental education, outdoor skills, outreach, career, and citizen science programs (and etc.) for audiences ages 12-25.

Summary and Objectives:

If you want to demonstrate the value of education and outreach programs, you must...

Target Audience:

Employees, volunteers, and interns working on (or planning on working on) oral history projects.

Summary and Objectives:

This 90-minute team-taught Webinar introduces key components of a successful oral history project, with an emphasis on in-depth interviewing. Instructors...

So you've decided to become a mentor and get started with your first mentee meeting. You are about to embark on a truly rewarding experience that will benefit you, your mentee, and your agency. The changing nature of many careers has led to a need to adjust to workplace organizational shifts....

Target Audience:

DOI employees who are, or will be, mentoring adults.

Summary and Objectives:

The personal growth of an individual can be shaped and regenerated through the mentoring process. This webinar training course, presented by the Division of Education Outreach, is designed to...


Having a mentor -- someone who can help you navigate your career path -- has the potential to make your career more fruitful, if you take responsibility for managing the relationship. Therefore, to be successful as a mentee, your work begins prior to the first meeting with your mentor....

Target Audience:

DOI employees who are currently serving as mentors to young adults, or those who are interested in exploring such a relationship.

Summary and Objectives:

As you view this previously recorded webinar, you will hear the ins and outs of mentoring as a panel of...

Target Audience:

Anyone involved with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service visitor services or public use programs, including project leaders, natural resource managers, environmental educators, interpretive staff, outreach specialists, outdoor recreation planners, park rangers, and volunteers.

Target Audience:

FWS staff who are involved in presenting Interpretive Programs.

Summary and Objectives:

Interpretation provokes participation in resource stewardship and helps system visitors understand their relationships to, and impacts on, those resources. This class provides time-tested...

Target Audience:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees responsible for planning and developing interpretive signs and wayside exhibits, including project leaders, natural resource managers, environmental educators, interpretive staff, outreach specialists, outdoor recreation planners, and park...

Target Audience:

Anyone who is using citizen science data or is developing or enhancing a citizen science program for educational and/or natural resource decision making purposes.

Summary and Objectives:

Are you curious about how the Service uses citizen science to support our mission? Are...

Target Audience:

Current and future US Fish and Wildlife Service leaders and staff who are not familiar with the societal role, motivations, cultural underpinnings, and conservation impacts of hunting and to a lesser extent the consumptive uses of fishing and trapping. They should not have...

Target Audience:

The target audience for the online Conservation and Hunting in America (CHA) course are field, regional and National-level staff.

Summary and Objectives:

Conservation and Hunting in America (CHA) is an online course for agency professionals to explore the conservation...

Target Audience:

Educators, outdoor recreation planners, naturalists/interpreters, community outreach specialists, resource managers, and others involved in connecting people to the great outdoors.

Summary and Objectives:

You can expand and enhance your site's visitor services program...

Target Audience:

Those who manage volunteers.

Summary and Objectives:

This online course goes beyond the nuts and bolts of recruiting and managing volunteers. It focuses on leadership and the effective communication skills necessary to build management support, strategies to...