The Mist in the Palm Trees (La Niebla en las Palmeras) documentary
- Original title
- La niebla en las palmeras
- Year
- 2006
- Running time
- 87 min.
- Country
- Spain
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Music
- Genre
- Documentary. Drama | Mockumentary
- Synopsis
- Fake documentary about a physicist, a photographer, an adventurer…The biographical flashes of Santiago Bergson, born in 1905, record a century at war, focusing on the events that marked his life: a miners revolt in Asturias, teenage love, the photo of a feminine nude, a silent film that disappeared in Cuba, the political manipulation of a photograph, The War of the Worlds by Orson Welles, a daughter, the first atomic bombings, the French Resistance, insanity and the end of WWII.
A film about the purposes and values of images that, based in quantum physics, deals with the manipulation of memory and history, poring the question: What good is an image for, if it cannot save a man’s life?
One man, three graves. An absence.
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