One Hundred Nails
- Original title
- Centochiodi
- Year
- 2007
- Running time
- 89 min.
- Country
- Italy
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Raz Degan
- Luna Bendandi
- Amina Syed
- Michele Zattara
- Matteo Valentini
- Damiano Scaini
- Franco Andreani
- Carlo Faroni
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Drama | Small Town Life (Non-North American)
- Synopsis
- An Italian professor seeks refuge in the quiet, peaceful ruins of an old building. A young and eminent professor at the University of Bologna finds himself at the centre of a difficult investigation. He turns his back on everything and ends up on the peaceful banks of the River Po, where he finds an old building and takes possession of it. Stories of friendship, of daily life and of love between the professor and the local inhabitants are woven around his new home, in a kind of spontaneous harmony with the moment, in which all possible realities exist.
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- Awards
2006: David di Donatello Awards: 8 Nominations, including Best Film2007: Festival of Valladolid - Seminci: nominated to Best Picture - Golden Spike.
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