I Walk Alone
- Original title
- I Walk Alone
- Year
- 1947
- Running time
- 97 min.
- Country
- United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Charles Schnee. Play: Theodore Reeves
- Cast
- Burt Lancaster
- Lizabeth Scott
- Kirk Douglas
- Wendell Corey
- Kristine Miller
- George Rigaud
- Marc Lawrence
- Mike Mazurki
- Mickey Knox
- Roger Neury
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
Leo Tover (B&W)- Producer
- Genre
- Film noir. Drama | Crime
- Synopsis
- Frankie Madison returns to New York after 14 years in prison. Noll Turner, Frankie's former partner in bootlegging, is now a wealthy nightclub manager, and Frankie is expecting him to honor a verbal '50:50' agreement they made when he was caught and Noll got away. Fat chance! Can Frankie, who knows only the strong-arm methods of Prohibition, win out against Big Business? It'll be tough...even with the unlikely alliance of torch singer Kay (Noll's ex-girlfriend).
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