Young and Innocent (The Girl Was Young)
- Original title
- Young and Innocent (The Girl Was Young)
- Year
- 1937
- Running time
- 82 min.
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Derrick De Marney
- Nova Pilbeam
- Percy Marmont
- Edward Rigby
- Mary Clare
- John Longden
- George Curzon
- Basil Radford
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
Bernard Knowles (B&W)- Producer
- Genre
- Mystery. Thriller | Crime
- Synopsis
- Man on the run from a murder charge enlists a beautiful stranger who must put herself at risk for his cause.
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- Critics' reviews
"One of Hitchcock's more charming efforts."
"Not top-notch Hitchcock, but engrossing enough."
"One of the most entertaining of Hitchcock's English films."
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