Hasbro: JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS Fashion Doll Line


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    Fredericksburg, VA

    JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS Fashion Doll Line

    "Hollywood Jem" Debuts New Series as Comic-Con Exclusive...

    Integrity Toys, under license from Hasbro, announce a brand-new series of high-end collectible fashion dolls based on the 1980's ground breaking animated series JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS, launching at 2012 San Diego Comic-Con.

    This first doll in this commemorative collection will be HOLLYWOOD JEM (pictured top) which will debut as a San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive. The fully articulated Hollywood Jem doll stands 12 inches tall and features rooted pink hair and long eyelashes. Looking fabulously fashionable in capri pants, black high-heel pumps, and a shiny gold-toned jacket (complete with shoulder pads!), Hollywood Jem is ready to rock the stage. As the leader of Jem and the Holograms, the Hollywood Jem doll comes complete with a microphone and silver chromed microphone stand. When the tour is complete, fans can display their doll proudly using the included doll stand. Each Hollywood Jem Special Edition Doll comes with a certificate of authenticity and a souvenir postcard with artwork from the original Jem and the Holograms line. $125 and available at the Hasbro Toy Shop Booth #3329. Following the convention, a limited number will be available on HasbroToyShop.com.

    Future additions to the line will be announced in the months following Comic-Con via a dedicated web page located at integritytoys.com/jemandtheholograms, which has been created to bring fans all the latest information about the Classic Jem and the Holograms collectible line moving forward.

    To insure your action figure collection, get in touch with Collectibles Insurance, the official insurance company of the Figures.com network. Say "Figures.com" to get 5% off your first term premiums.

    To buy action figures, take a look at BigBadToyStore.com, RedfordFilms.com, Toynk.com, PastGenerationToys.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, and MonkeyDepot.com.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Hollywood Jem Comic Con Exclusive 2.jpg 
Views:	17648 
Size:	223.0 KB 
ID:	28763   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WEB_14017_CU2.jpg 
Views:	14552 
Size:	216.4 KB 
ID:	28764   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WEB_14017_FULL2.jpg 
Views:	1339 
Size:	112.8 KB 
ID:	28765  
    Last edited by JeffSaylor; 06-28-2012 at 12:43 PM.

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