Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2014


They're great, aren't they? They come in all shapes and sizes. They come in all ages. They live far, they live near. Some we see at work. Some we see on our way to the mailbox every day. Some we know only via blogging.

Regardless of how we know them, what they look like or their age, friends are great.

Let's take Bestie, for example (that's her and her hubby and Birdie at the rehearsal dinner). I know y'all have read and read and read all about my Bestie. It's easy to write about her though, because she's such a terrific, all round person. There are times that I know for a fact, without a doubt, that I would not be able to get through without her. And I'm not talking about special times like the two weddings that she's pulled off for our family. This is a person who listens and, while we almost always agree, she is a true friend in that she tells me the truth and not what I want to hear. This is a person who lets it be known by her actions that she is a great friend. This is someone who will drop everything in a split second to be there when needed. This is a person who possesses great wisdom and a most wonderful sense of humor. She is one of the most caring people I've ever met and possesses southern charm beyond compare. She and I are so different- I stand 5'10", she's, maybe, 5'0". She's nice to everyone, I'm standoffish. She's warm, generous and inviting, I'm critical, sarcastic and skeptical. She has the patience of a saint and I had to look up how to spell the word 'patience.' She loves a party and I love to stay home alone. We do have our similarities as well- we both LOVE football and we both yelling during football games. We both also love to share our opinions during our yelling about what the stupid coaches should be doing instead of what they are doing. We both will take each other's secrets to the grave. We both needed to lose weight--(she did it, I didn't). We both think politicians suck (though she's conservative and I'm liberal). We both have daughters that we love more than anything else in this world. We both love animals and hate child molesters and we would both like to make the laws regarding the fate of those who are guilty of either act. We're also quite good at solving the world's problems though the world never asks us what to do. :)

Bestie's hubby (can you see him in the picture? You'll see more of him when the professional pix arrive) is a gem. These two work together like the proverbial well oiled machine. He's got her back and their teamwork, not just during a wedding but in all things, is like none other I've ever seen. He's kind and nice and keeps plugging no matter what life throws his way. AND, when needed, he steps right up and beautifully officiates your daughter's wedding. And he'll do it well! It adds something a little special when the officiant has known said daughter since she was a toddler. :)

And my neighbor, Tina. I would wish for everyone of you to have a neighbor like her. Y'all know how I am about my sweet pup, Tucker. Birdie has a dog too, Strider, and most of you probably remember him. And y'all probably know that, in our family, we are THOSE kind of dog owners. Our pets are part of the family and that's just that. Why did we not have to stress over our beloved pets during the wedding? Because my wonderful neighbor came over 4 times, FOUR, to check on them, let them out, and give them love. Most folks would have just come over the one time I asked them to so the dogs could go out. But not Tina. And that was one of the MAIN reasons we didn't have to worry on the day of the wedding. It doesn't stop there. Tina and her sweet hubby are always ready and willing to help out whether it's a next door neighbor or a far away friend. They are quick to show community spirit and pride in our neighborhood. They never pass you by without waving and/or chatting and always making you feel loved. I realized while writing this post that I do not have a picture of Tina---why is that Tina??? I do have pictures of their dogs but, shocker, can't find one to put up. I thought of stealing borrowing one from her Facebook page but wasn't sure if that was kosher.

The friends of the lovely Bride and the wonderful Groom. Beginning with the moment they became engaged, the Bride and Groom had to know that they were surrounded by true friends if they didn't know it already. I love each and every one of these young adults. I've mentioned before that knowing your kids' friends in an empty nest is not remotely the same as when they are still living at home. When the chicks have flown the coop, you hear about their friends way more than you actually meet or get to know them. With exceptions, of course. I knew a lot of their friends already but met the rest at the wedding. I was impressed. Pleased. Excited! Inspired! Birdie and NewSonInLaw have the most wonderful friends! These people hit the dance floor about 7:30ish and didn't leave it until 10:30. The energy was contagious. Before the wedding- including all events leading up to the wedding- their friends were there offering support, encouragement, laughter and lots of love. Even the ones who live out of town. Hugs and a huge 'THANK YOU' to each and every one of you!

My friends at school who listened to my wedding concerns (family members who might not behave themselves) with sincerity and who were quick to sent congratulations our way. And who, on a daily basis, reminded me of how to find the humor in every situation and to breathe. And who show every day that I am loved.

And all of you in the blogging community who have been supportive and encouraging and positive in your comments  before and after the big day and your patience with all these dang pictures. :)

And, speaking of pictures, the photographer has yet to give us the disc of his shots. I guess he's regretting taking 1600 photos after all. I'll get those up ASAP!

Cause I know y'all want more. Ha!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

If the Days of the Week were People

Since I've gotten back into the working world, I saw a prompt at Writing Fix that I thought would be fun to do. The prompt suggested picking one day of the week, but I wrote about all of them....since they all carry meaning now.

If Monday were a person, we would have a love/hate relationship. Though I would try to embrace him as someone who offered new opportunities and a brand new start, there would be times when I would shun him for showing up too soon and waking me up before the sun.

If Tuesday were a person, she would be encouraging by reminding me I survived Monday’s visit and provide me with humor by reminding me that the rest of the week is WTF…

If Wednesday were a person, I would love him. I would know that, as soon as he arrived, my friend Friday would not be far behind.

If Thursday were a person, I would embrace her as a friend near and dear to my heart for she would always bring me hope that a time for rest and relaxation was coming soon.

And then there’s Friday. If Friday was a person, he would be my BFF. I would look forward to seeing him every time he came around. I would spend the entire week awaiting his arrival. I would do spins and dances and shouts for joy every single time he arrived. And sometimes, just because he was my BFF, he would bring the lovelies home with him!

If Saturdays and Sundays were people, I’d love them unconditionally from August to February because they would bring me football every time they came by and would never ask me to get up and go to work. They would encourage me to get my chores and workouts done early so that I could spend the rest of the day watching football! But then, I would pout and be moody and not talk to them from February through July because they would take my beloved football away. 

How would you look at the days of the week if they were people?

BTW- the winner of the book giveaway-- Until My Soul Gets It Right--is JUDY at CRANBERRY MORNING! Congrats Judy!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Murder in the Dark

This is a big time fun game to play at night with all the lights out! Technically, the rules go something like this:
  • Take a deck of cards and remove all but one of the Aces and Kings
  • Shuffle and deal out one card to each player
  • The player receiving the ACE is the murderer and the player with the King is the detective.
  • No one tells what card they have received
  • The lights go out- seriously, you shouldn't be able to see a thing!
  • Everyone spans out and the murderer 'kills' the other players by whispering "You're dead" in their ear
  • Killed (tapped) victims have to lie on the floor until the game is over.
  • Some people play until someone runs across a victim and then yells out, "Murder in the Dark!"
  • Then they turn on the lights and the detective begins interrogating everyone trying to determine the murderer.
Of course there are many variations on these rules. And the way we play is a HUGE variation.

When the lovelies were growing up we were quite active in the children's programs and youth group at our church. It was through the church that we met the Lambert family. And let me say that, if you do not have Lambert Mister in your life, Murder in the Dark will not be near as much fun! Lambert Mister is, simply put, a NUT and his wife is BIG FUN too but borders on the sane side. We all love them both and their kids so much. If you don't have Lamberts in your life, you are truly missing out!

Lambert Mister loves to tease and joke and play games and---he knows how to get the most out of life. Their whole family does for that matter. But Lambert Mister takes it to a whole new level.

When he sat behind us at church he loved to try and get the lovelies to laugh. We sat in front of them several times at the theater and he would pick on the lovelies through the entire movie. They LOVED it! And he still does it to this very day when given the chance.

Several families at church took turns having all the kids over at their houses all the time. We had such a great group of parents and kids! But the most fun of all, for kids and adults, was going to the Lambert's and playing Murder in the Dark. And Lambert Mister is the reason why.

Lambert Mister was the murderer every single time. He would move stealthily through the dark (pitch black) house and just listen. He listened for the slightest noise and any whispers. Once he knew where everyone was trying to hide, he went on the attack. When Lambert Mister grabbed one of the kids they would scream so loud you would think they were really being murdered! Lambert Mister would pretend to stab the victim and the victim would have to lie on the floor until all the other players had been murdered. The game could go on for HOURS!

Lambert Mister took great pains to be silent and to scare, as Breezy says, "the crap out of you!" She says what she remembers is "terror." And yet, not one single kid could wait until the next time so they could play again.

All of us are now empty nesters. But everyone- kids and adults- remember the fun of being scared and murdered at the Lambert's house!

If you know a crazy person have a wide open friend who would completely enjoy being the murderer- then play this game! It's a BLAST!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blogging Thanks

I wasn't sure what blogging was all about at first and, to be honest, I'm still confused on several levels.  Nevertheless, I am enjoying the writing, the sharing, and, especially, the comments.  If I had to pick one thing that I like best about blogging, however, it would have to be getting to know the wonderful women behind the blogs I've been reading.  I have found you all to be nothing less than completely encouraging, supportive, empathetic, caring, kind, intelligent, humorous, clever, open and honest.  Your blogs range from teaching a 'how-to' and sharing your joys of reading or crafting to wanting to make sure others feel good about themselves inside and out or sharing a fun/difficult/frustrating/miraculous day/event/journey in ways that inspire motivation, thought, laughter...I thought that I would find some sort of release in the writing of a blog and maybe some direction in figuring out how to live in this empty nest of ours.  And, to some extent, it really has helped.  But I have found so much more than that.  I never realized that I would be filling some of the empty nest hours with such amazing women as y'all.   

So, on this TGIF, I wanted to take a minute and be thankful for all of you!  Thank you for the from-the-gut laughter; the clever crafting ideas; the telling and showing of your 'how-to's'; the heartfelt sharing of your experiences and memories; your wonderful photographs; your amazing ideas; your encouragement and motivation to help others improve themselves; your honest reviews; your willingness to put yourselves out there; your inspirational thoughts; your encouragement and your support.  Thank you all!

Please take a minute and check out the list of blogs I read (and the buttons).  I'm certain it will be worth the time- it certainly has been for me!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove