“This is a plant based on new technology that is almost twice as efficient as the old, so-called “open cycle” power plants. This is a very important facility, environmentally friendly technologies of thermal power station, which will provide the energy security of our country and the reliable energy supply to our residents and business,” – the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development stated at the Gardabani TPP 2 official opening ceremony.
Natia Turnava spoke about the importance of energy reform for the country and noted that this area is one of the top priorities of the government’s economic policy, especially given the current high economic growth. “We have high economic growth, which puts on the agenda the need for energy reform and the fundamental transformation and development of this sector. In 2019, we launched this reform under the direction and direction of the Prime Minister of Georgia, drafted new, European-type legislation, launched a gradual opening of our energy market, and created a competitive, open energy market, and established an energy exchange. Of course, one of our main directions is to support the construction of new generating facilities - this is the facility that we have opened today,” – the Minister said.
The new highly-efficient and environmentally-friendly thermal power plant was built by the Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation with a 180 million USD investment.
“This is a station that, if needed, will provide over 10% of our country’s electricity consumption. This is our so-called “reserve", which in case of need, quickly becomes operational and ensures system stability - for example, only one of these plants can cover 70% of Tbilisi’s average monthly consumption,” – Natia Turnava said.
The construction phase of the thermal power plant lasted from February 2018 to December 2019 and the plant can provide full power generation for the current winter season.
Gardabani Thermal Power Plant 2 is capable of generating 1,3 billion kWh of electricity annually.
The new thermal power plant is the first innovative power plant in Georgia that has so called “develop from zero” ability. It provides the system with power and restarts from scratch for a short period of time in case of emergency in the country’s power system.
The new combined-cycle thermal power plant consumes almost twice less gas and is more economical than the old natural gas power plants in Georgia.
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