Dundee Partnership

On this site you can find out about:

  • Dundee's Community Plan, Local Community Plans and new City Plan, along with progress reports on what the Partnership has achieved
  • How the Dundee Partnership works, including its structure and vision, and minutes of all the key groups
  • Dundee Partnership Community Regeneration Funding and the Common Good Fund
  • The Dundee Fairness Commissions - the first met throughout 2015 to gather evidence on tackling poverty in Dundee; the second, calling itself Dundee Fighting For Fairness met during 2017-18. Both created their own set of recommendations

View The City Plan 2022-2032

You can also send us your comments and queries and respond to consultation documents, and keep up-to-date with the latest news from the Partnership through the Dundee Partnership E-Bulletin.

Contact Us

Email:  [email protected]