CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory info/symbols/comprehensive

                 | By Scott Pakin, scott+clsl@pakin.org |
                 |                                      |
                 |            3 January 2024            |

The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List is an organized list of over 20300
symbols commonly available to LaTeX users.  Some of these symbols are
guaranteed to be available in every TeX distribution.  Others require
font files that come with some, but not all, TeX distributions.  The
rest require font files that must be downloaded explicitly from CTAN
(https://www.ctan.org/) and installed.  The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol
List currently showcases symbols from 225 separate typefaces.

The same directory that contains this README file also contains
SYMLIST (an ASCII list of symbols that appear in the symbols list) and
prebuilt versions of the symbol list for both A4 and U.S. Letter sized
paper.  If you'd like to build symbols.tex yourself (not recommended
for normal use), a Makefile is provided.  symbols.tex tries to be
smart about fonts; it omits tables of symbols that require (seemingly)
unavailable fonts.  The "Document Characteristics" table at the end of
the document lists the packages that were unavailable during the

The prebuilt versions of the symbol list use primarily Type 1 fonts.
Type 1 fonts are scalable and should look good at any resolution and on
any output device.  However, some of the fonts used by symbols.tex are
available only in a METAFONT-generated bitmap format.  The prebuilt
symbol lists utilize 1200 DPI versions of all of the bitmapped fonts as
1200 DPI is a reasonably high printer resolution and therefore should
obscure the artifacts of bitmap rendering.

The following bitmapped fonts were used to typeset the symbol list:

    ark10.mf               astrosym.mf            bbm10.mf               
    bbm9.mf                bbmss10.mf             bbmtt10.mf             
    bskarr10.mf            bskex10.mf             bskma10.mf             
    bskmi10.mf             bskms10.mf             bsksy10.mf             
    china10.mf             clock.mf               cmapl10.mf             
    cmph10.mf              cmphi10.mf             cookingsymbols.mf      
    cryst.mf               dancers.mf             dice3d.mf              
    dozchars10.mf          dozchars9.mf           fcr10.mf               
    fcr9.mf                feyntext10.mf          fselch10.mf            
    fulmr10.mf             fulmr9.mf              go10.mf                
    go1bla10.mf            go1whi10.mf            go2bla10.mf            
    go2whi10.mf            greenpoint.mf          hands.mf               
    ifclk10.mf             ifgeo10.mf             ifsym10.mf             
    ifwea10.mf             igoblacki8.mf          igoblacki9.mf          
    igoblackiii8.mf        igoblackiii9.mf        igowhitei9.mf          
    igowhiteiii9.mf        knot1.mf               knot2.mf               
    knot3.mf               knot4.mf               knot5.mf               
    knot6.mf               knot7.mf               lightbulb10.mf         
    magic.mf               mbb10.mf               mbb9.mf                
    milstd.mf              moonphase.mf           nkarta.mf              
    shuffle10.mf           simpsons.mf            skull.mf               
    soyombo.mf             soyombot.mf            trsy10.mf              
    ulsy10.mf              wnr10.mf               wsuipa10.mf            

For completeness, the following scalable fonts (some converted from
OpenType to PostScript Type 1) were used to typeset the symbol list:

    ASCII.pfb              (ASCII)
    ArevSans-Roman.pfb     (Arev Sans)
    ArrowsADF.pfb          (Arrows ADF)
    Asap-Symbol.pfb        (Asap Symbol)
    BulletsADF.pfb         (Bullets ADF)
    DSSerif-Bold.pfb       (Double Struck Serif Bold)
    DSSerif.pfb            (Double Struck Serif)
    EBGaramond-Italic.pfb  (EB Garamond Italic)
    Epi-Olmec.pfb          (Epi-Olmce)
    FdSymbolA-Book.pfb     (FdSymbolA-Book)
    FdSymbolB-Book.pfb     (FdSymbolB-Book)
    FdSymbolB-Medium.pfb   (FdSymbolB-Medium)
    FdSymbolC-Book.pfb     (FdSymbolC-Book)
    FdSymbolD-Book.pfb     (FdSymbolD-Book)
    FdSymbolE-Book.pfb     (FdSymbolE-Book)
    FdSymbolF-Book.pfb     (FdSymbolF-Book)
    FontAwesome5Brands-Reg (Font Awesome 5 Brands Regular)
    FontAwesome5Free-Regul (Font Awesome 5 Free Regular)
    FontAwesome5Free-Solid (Font Awesome 5 Free Solid)
    HamNoSysUnicode.ttf    (Hamnosysunicode)
    LinearA.pfb            (LinearA)
    LinearACmplxSigns.pfb  (LinearACmplxSigns)
    Logix.pfb              (Logix)
    MnSymbol10.pfb         (MnSymbol10)
    OrnementsADF.pfb       (Ornements ADF)
    SVRsymbols.pfb         (SVRsymbols)
    SkakNew-Diagram.pfb    (SkakNew-Diagram)
    SkakNew-Figurine.pfb   (SkakNew-Figurine)
    WebOMintsGD.pfb        (WebOMints GD)
    academicons.ttf        (Academicons)
    ar10.pfb               (ar10)
    ar9.pfb                (ar9)
    arrow.pfb              (arrow)
    bbding10.pfb           (bbding)
    bbold10.pfb            (BBOLD10)
    callig15.pfb           (CALLIG15)
    ccicons.pfb            (CCIcons)
    cmbsy10.pfb            (CMBSY10)
    cmbsy7.pfb             (CMBSY7)
    cmbx10.pfb             (CMBX10)
    cmbx7.pfb              (CMBX7)
    cmbx9.pfb              (CMBX9)
    cmcsc10.pfb            (CMCSC10)
    cmcsc9.pfb             (CMCSC9)
    cmex10.pfb             (CMEX10)
    cmllr10.pfb            (CMLL Regular 10pt)
    cmllr9.pfb             (CMLL Regular 9pt)
    cmmi10.pfb             (CMMI10)
    cmmi5.pfb              (CMMI5)
    cmmi6.pfb              (CMMI6)
    cmmi7.pfb              (CMMI7)
    cmmi8.pfb              (CMMI8)
    cmmi9.pfb              (CMMI9)
    cmmib10.pfb            (CMMIB10)
    cmmib5.pfb             (CMMIB5)
    cmr10.pfb              (CMR10)
    cmr12.pfb              (CMR12)
    cmr17.pfb              (CMR17)
    cmr5.pfb               (CMR5)
    cmr6.pfb               (CMR6)
    cmr7.pfb               (CMR7)
    cmr9.pfb               (CMR9)
    cmrj.pfb               (Computer Modern Figured Bass)
    cmss10.pfb             (CMSS10)
    cmss17.pfb             (CMSS17)
    cmss8.pfb              (CMSS8)
    cmss9.pfb              (CMSS9)
    cmssi10.pfb            (CMSSI10)
    cmsy10.pfb             (CMSY10)
    cmsy5.pfb              (CMSY5)
    cmsy6.pfb              (CMSY6)
    cmsy7.pfb              (CMSY7)
    cmsy8.pfb              (CMSY8)
    cmsy9.pfb              (CMSY9)
    cmti10.pfb             (CMTI10)
    cmti9.pfb              (CMTI9)
    cmtt10.pfb             (CMTT10)
    cmtt8.pfb              (CMTT8)
    cmtt9.pfb              (CMTT9)
    cmupint.pfb            (cmupint)
    countriesofeurope.pfb  (Countries of Europe)
    cypr10.pfb             (Archaic Cypriot)
    dictsym.pfb            (Dictionary Symbols Georg Verweyen)
    dingbat.pfb            (dingbat)
    dsrom10.pfb            (dsrom10)
    dsss10.pfb             (dsss10)
    esint10.pfb            (esint10)
    esrelation10.pfb       (esrelation10)
    eufm10.pfb             (EUFM10)
    eufm7.pfb              (EUFM7)
    eurm10.pfb             (EURM10)
    eusm10.pfb             (EUSM10)
    eusm7.pfb              (EUSM7)
    feymr10.pfb            (TeX feymr10 Regular)
    fgeit10.pfb            (fgeit10)
    fgerm10.pfb            (fgerm10)
    font-mfizz.ttf         (font-mfizz)
    fourier-alt.pfb        (Fourier-Alternate-Roman)
    fourier-mcl.pfb        (Fourier-Math-Cal)
    fourier-mex.pfb        (Fourier-Math-Extension)
    fourier-mlit.pfb       (Fourier-Math-Letters-Italic)
    fourier-ms.pfb         (Fourier-Math-Symbols)
    fourier-orns.pfb       (fourier-orns)
    frcsl10.pfb            (frcsl10)
    frucmn.pfb             (frucmn)
    gmtr0900.pfb           (gmtr0900)
    gmtr1000.pfb           (gmtr1000)
    grmn0900.pfb           (grmn0900)
    grmn1000.pfb           (grmn1000)
    icelandic.pfb          (icelandic)
    knitnn.pfb             (KnittingSymbols-nogrid-foreground)
    knitnp.pfb             (KnittingSymbols-nogrid-purl)
    lcirclew.pfb           (LCIRCLEW10)
    linb10.pfb             (Archaic Linear B)
    line10.pfb             (LINE10)
    lmr10.pfb              (LMRoman10-Regular)
    logo10.pfb             (LOGO10)
    logo9.pfb              (LOGO9)
    logosl10.pfb           (LOGOSL10)
    manfnt.pfb             (manfnt)
    marvosym.pfb           (MarVoSym with TeX support)
    matha10.pfb            (TeX matha10 Regular)
    matha9.pfb             (TeX matha9 Regular)
    mathb10.pfb            (TeX mathb10 Regular)
    mathb9.pfb             (TeX mathb9 Regular)
    mathx10.pfb            (TeX mathx10 Regular)
    md-chr7v.pfb           (MathDesign CH Regular Extension 10)
    md-chr8c.pfb           (MathDesign CH Regular TS1 10)
    md-gmr7v.pfb           (MathDesign GM Regular Extension 10)
    md-gmr8c.pfb           (MathDesign GM Regular TS1 10)
    md-utr7v.pfb           (MathDesign UT Regular 10)
    md-utr7y.pfb           (MathDesign UT Regular Symbol 10)
    md-utr8c.pfb           (MathDesign UT Regular TS1 10)
    md-utrma.pfb           (MathDesign UT Regular MathDesignSymbolA 10)
    md-utrmb.pfb           (MathDesign UT Regular MathDesignSymbolB 10)
    miama.pfb              (Miama Nueva)
    msam10.pfb             (MSAM10)
    msam7.pfb              (MSAM7)
    msbm10.pfb             (MSBM10)
    msbm7.pfb              (MSBM7)
    msym10.pfb             (MSYM10)
    musix11.pfb            (musix11)
    musix13.pfb            (musix13)
    musix16.pfb            (musix16)
    musix20.pfb            (musix20)
    oasy10.pfb             (OAMathSymbols10)
    phaistos.pfb           (phaistos)
    plimsoll.pfb           (Plimsoll)
    pmhg.pfb               (Archaic Poor Mans Hieroglyphs)
    prodint.pfb            (prodint)
    proto10.pfb            (Archaic ProtoSemitic)
    qzcmi.pfb              (TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic)
    recycle.pfb            (Recycle)
    rojud.pfb              (rojud)
    rsfs10.pfb             (rsfs10)
    rtcxr.pfb              (rtcxr)
    sarab10.pfb            (Archaic South Arabian)
    sfbx0700.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfbx0800.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfbx1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfbx1200.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfbx1440.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfbx2074.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfbx2488.pfb           (Computer Modern Bold Extended)
    sfcc0700.pfb           (Computer Modern Caps and Small Caps)
    sfcc0900.pfb           (Computer Modern Caps and Small Caps)
    sfcc1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Caps and Small Caps)
    sfrm0500.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm0600.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm0700.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm0800.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm0900.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm1095.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm1200.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfrm2488.pfb           (Computer Modern Roman)
    sfsi1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Sans Serif Slanted)
    sfsl1200.pfb           (Computer Modern Slanted)
    sfss0800.pfb           (Computer Modern Sans Serif)
    sfss1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Sans Serif)
    sfsx0800.pfb           (Computer Modern Sans Serif Bold Extended)
    sfsx1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Sans Serif Bold Extended)
    sfti0600.pfb           (Computer Modern Italic)
    sfti0700.pfb           (Computer Modern Italic)
    sfti0800.pfb           (Computer Modern Italic)
    sfti1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Italic)
    sftt0800.pfb           (Computer Modern Typewriter)
    sftt0900.pfb           (Computer Modern Typewriter)
    sftt1000.pfb           (Computer Modern Typewriter)
    smfer10.pfb            (Semafor-NoPillar)
    smfpr10.pfb            (Semafor-PersonPillar)
    smfr10.pfb             (Semafor-Regular)
    starfont.pfb           (StarFont Sans)
    stix-mathbb.pfb        (STIXMathBlackboard Regular)
    stix-mathbbit.pfb      (STIXMathBlackboard Italic)
    stix-mathcal.pfb       (STIXMathCalligraphy Regular)
    stix-mathex.pfb        (STIXMathExtensions Regular)
    stix-mathfrak.pfb      (STIXMathFraktur Regular)
    stix-mathit.pfb        (STIXMath Italic)
    stix-mathrm-bold.pfb   (STIXMath Bold)
    stix-mathrm.pfb        (STIXMath Regular)
    stix-mathscr.pfb       (STIXMathScript Regular)
    stix-mathsf.pfb        (STIXMathSans Regular)
    stix-mathsfit.pfb      (STIXMathSans Italic)
    stix-mathtt.pfb        (STIXMathTyperwriter-Regular)
    stmary10.pfb           (stmary10)
    stmary9.pfb            (stmary9)
    tfrupee.pfb            (RupeeTechFat)
    tipa10.pfb             (TeX tipa10 Regular)
    tipa8.pfb              (TeX tipa8 Regular)
    tipa9.pfb              (TeX tipa9 Regular)
    tipx10.pfb             (TeX tipx10 Regular)
    tipx9.pfb              (TeX tipx9 Regular)
    txexa.pfb              (txexa)
    txmia.pfb              (txmia)
    txsy.pfb               (txsy)
    txsyc.pfb              (txsyc)
    typicons.ttf           (Typicons)
    uhvb8a.pfb             (Nimbus Sans L Bold)
    uhvbo8a.pfb            (Nimbus Sans L Bold Italic)
    uhvr8a.pfb             (Nimbus Sans L Regular)
    umranda.pfb            (umranda)
    umrandb.pfb            (umrandb)
    usyr.pfb               (Standard Symbols L)
    utmr8a.pfb             (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular)
    utmri8a.pfb            (Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular Italic)
    uzcmi8a.pfb            (URW Chancery L Medium Italic)
    uzdr.pfb               (Dingbats)
    vect10.pfb             (TeX vect10 Regular)
    vnr10.pfb              (VNR10)
    vnr9.pfb               (VNR9)
    wasy10.pfb             (wasy10)
    wasy9.pfb              (wasy9)
    xgreg20.pfb            (xgreg20)
    yfrak.pfb              (Yannis Fraktur Regular)
    ygoth.pfb              (Yannis Gotisch Regular)
    yhcmex.pfb             (Yhcmex)
    yswab.pfb              (Yannis Schwabacher Regular)
    zxxrw8a.pfb            (Boondox Calligraphic Regular)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (64.8M).

The Comprehensive Symbol List – Symbols accessible from

Over 20000 symbols accessible from are listed in a set of tables organized by topic and package.  The aim is to make it easy to find symbols and learn how to incorporate them into a document.  An index further helps locate symbols of interest.

PackageThe Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
Version15.0 2024-01-03
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2007–2024 Scott Pakin
MaintainerScott Pakin
Contained inTeX Live as comprehensive
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