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CTAN has a new package: acroterm

Date: November 20, 2010 8:42:01 AM CET
This should be at your local mirror. Thanks again, Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College .................................................................................. The following information was provided by our fellow contributor: Name of contribution: acroterm Version number: 0.1 Author's name: Jakob Voss Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/acroterm Summary description: Manage and index acronyms and terms License type: lppl Announcement text:
acroterm is yet another package for acronyms. The packages acronym, acromake, glosstex, and glossary just did not fit my use case: simple markup of acronyms and technical terms in the text, resulting in an index of terms and an index of acronyms with expanded form. See README for a short description, acroterm.pdf for the manual, and https://github.com/nichtich/acroterm for the latest development version.
This package is at https://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/acroterm . Information is at https://tug.ctan.org/pkg/acroterm (it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group https://www.tug.org . For your users group see https://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

acroterm – Manage and index acronyms and terms

Yet another package for acronyms: the package offers simple markup of acronyms and technical terms in the text, giving an index each of terms and acronyms with their expanded form.

Copyright2010 Jakob Voß
MaintainerJakob Voß



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