CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN package update: pxfonts and txfonts

Datum: 4. Januar 2005 16:02:57 MEZ
The two packages shown below have been updated at tug.ctan.org and will make their way to your favorite mirror in the next day or two. Thanks, Jim Hefferon ====================================================================== The following information was provided by the package's contributor. Name of contribution: pxfonts / txfonts Contributer's name: karl berry Location on CTAN: /fonts/txfonts and /fonts/pxfonts Summary description: [pt]xfonts.sty update for " active characters License type: gpl Announcement text given by the package's contributor: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The txfonts.sty and pxfonts.sty packages released in 2000 by Dr. Young Ryu had the deficiency of using " to specify character codes, etc. Consequently, if " is an active character when these styles were read (e.g., if german.sty had been loaded), they would not work. Thomas Esser fixed this some years ago in teTeX by changing all the references to decimal. This upload simply propagates the new files to CTAN, with Dr. Ryu's permission. (Thanks also to Volker Schaa for reporting the inconsistency.) Also, the txfonts.map and pxfonts.map files from the TeX Live distribution are now included in the distribution on CTAN; they simply omit the entries for the standard base fonts (e.g., Palatino-Roman, Times-Roman). Finally, users of [pt]xfonts may be interested in this note on future work from Dr. Ryu: When I released the current txfonts and pxfonts, I thought it would be the final release. But, I have heard of some issues, especially those related to spacing of math alphabets, symbols and the size of small caps (being too small), integrals looking "ugly," and parentheses being flat too quickly. I have a plan to update these fonts (together with complete hxfonts including complete math alphabets and symbols), but not until I finish something that I am now committed to. Hopefully it will be within a couple of years... - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can have a look at the two packages at https://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/pxfonts/ and https://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/txfonts/ although you may get a better network connection by visiting a mirror of CTAN that is near to you; see https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors .

txfonts – Times-like fonts in support of mathematics

Txfonts supplies virtual text roman fonts using Adobe Times (or URW NimbusRomNo9L) with some modified and additional text symbols in the OT1, T1, and TS1 encodings; maths alphabets using Times/URW Nimbus; maths fonts providing all the symbols of the Computer Modern and AMS fonts, including all the Greek capital letters from CMR; and additional maths fonts of various other symbols.

The set is complemented by a sans-serif set of text fonts, based on Helvetica/NimbusSanL, and a monospace set.

All the fonts are in Type 1 format (AFM and PFB files), and are supported by metrics (VF and TFM files) and macros for use with .

Version 2009-01-14
BetreuerYoung Ryu



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