General Account Related
Adding Artwork to CAF
Premium Membership Related
Is there a fee to post my artwork to is a free gallery service for Comic Art Collectors and Artists. Once you've registered for an account and signed in you are free to create Gallery Rooms to post your artwork to. does offer a Premium Membership which extends the use of the site for you. The details about our Premium Membership's can be found HERE. When you sign up for an account you are given a 7-day trial of the site's premium features. If you have any questions regarding CAF please Contact Us.
How do I sign-up for an account?
Signing up for an account to post comic art pieces from your collection, or to comment on items in someone's Gallery is a simple process. Click the SIGN UP link in the upper menu, review the Terms & Conditions for this site, then fill out the form at the bottom of the page. After you've clicked the Sign Up button you will be emailed your login and password promptly.
I've forgotten or lost my password/login information.
A link from the login page will help you retrieve your login information. That link is
I don't like my password. How can I change it?
When you are logged in, under the Manage menu is a link labeled 'Edit Profile'. Click that link and you can update all of your personal information.
How do I add art to my Gallery?
When logged into CAF, under the Your Account and Collection menu, is a link entitled 'Manage Your Galleries'. Anything related to your managing artwork in your Gallery is managed from here.
All Artwork that you want to post to CAF is added to a Gallery Room that you must create first. Gallery Rooms help you organize the artwork you post to your Gallery. So, once you are in Your Comic Art Gallery click the "+ Add Gallery Room" button. Complete that information and click the 'Add Gallery Room' button and you've created your first Gallery Room (if you do not click the 'Active' checkbox, this new Gallery will not show up on the site after you add art into it).
Back in Your Comic Art Gallery, the new Gallery Room you created is shown in your Gallery Rooms list. Click the "[Add New Art]" link to make your first post. Follow the instructions on that Add Artwork to upload your artwork. Be sure to properly assign your artwork to the correct Media Type and Art Type as these play a large role for CAF visitors when searching the site. Fill out all fields and be sure to click the 'active' box. The 'active' box allows you to display or hide a particular piece of artwork whenever you like.
What is the padlock on a Gallery Room?
This signifies that the Owner of that Gallery Room feels the content could be objectionable to some viewers. This is their way of alerting visitors that they may not want to view that Room's content, at least on a public terminal. When a Gallery Room is restricted in this manner and a CAF Visitor is not logged into their account, the resulting thumbnail images will display the NWS (Not Work Safe) graphic rather than the customary thumbnail image. Similarly, when artwork from that same restricted Gallery Room come up in site searches, if the site visitor is not logged into their CAF account the NWS graphic will also be displayed. A visitor whom is not logged into a CAF account can click that NWS graphic to view the resulting image, but they have been given fair warning of the potentially objectionable content.
How does a Gallery Owner assign the padlock to a Gallery Room?
This is done when a Gallery Room is created, or when you edit the Description/Details for a Gallery Room. A checkbox labeled 'restricted' is on this screen and when checked the padlock and the other restricted attributes are assigned to all the artwork in the Gallery Room.
If I see something objectionable on whom should I alert?
If you feel someone is posting items to the site that are not comic art related or contain objectionable content, we welcome your feedback. We cannot monitor everything posted to the site and appreciate the support. Please be aware that we do have a high tolerance threshold before we remove artwork from the site, and work directly with the gallery owner prior to removing any items we feel are not appropriate.
Are there any limits to the number of pieces of artwork that I can upload to my Gallery?
Not at this time although it has been something we've considered implementing as a means to curb bandwidth and hosting fees. If it ever becomes a priority we'll provide you with advance notice if you are over any impending limits.
How do I Get My Art For Sale in the Classifieds?
From the Your Account & Collection menu, choose Manage Your Gallery Preferences. Click the link entitled 'Manage Your CAF Classifieds' and choose the Gallery Rooms where you are storing your Art For Sale by selecting the checkboxes beside each Gallery Room. Save your changes and all artwork from those selected Galleries will appear in the Classifieds. Similarly you can edit the description for a Gallery Room and there is also a checkbox labeled "For Sale" that will also list all artwork in that Gallery Room in the CAF Classifieds.
How do I Watch another Collector's Gallery?
When are logged into your Premium CAF account and you are browsing other comic art collector's galleries, you'll see a link at the top of their main gallery homepage that says �Watch This Gallery�. Clicking that link will add that Gallery to the list of Galleries you are watching. Watching a Gallery gives you two primary benefits. First, a new list of Recently Updated Galleries will appear in the right column of the site that only includes those Galleries that you are watching. Second, any new piece of comic art that is added to one of your Watched Galleries will also appear in your CAF Email Alert. You'll never miss an update from those collectors whose collections you admire. Please note that if you have Watched Galleries and have not assigned CAF Email Alert keywords, nor configured the delivery times of the CAF Email Alert, you will not receive the CAF Email Alert.
How do I configure the CAF Email Alert for the first time?
When you are logged into your Premium CAF account hover over the Manage menu and select Premium Preferences (not available to non-Premium members). The first section on that page is where you configure both the keywords you want to be alerted on as well as the 2 times during the day that the email alert is delivered to you via email. There is a maximum of 100 keywords allowed with this feature, but they can be edited at any time.
What comic art search results gets included in the CAF Email Alert?
At present we include new artwork added to CAF in the last 24 hours from Gallery Owners, Premium Gallery Owner Classifieds, as well as Dealer For Sale results from the original comic art Dealer sites that we've created and maintain (,,,,,,,,,,,, and more). Results are grouped by Keyword then by type (Collector Owned, Classified, or Dealer For Sale). We also include any new artwork added by other CAF collectors whose Galleries you are Watching and those results are grouped by the Gallery Owner's name.
How do I set up a watermark image to appear on images I upload to CAF?
A watermark image is essentially a graphic whose background must be white, and the image or text you want to have be your watermark can be any color. A watermark image is layered above the top left corner of the image you are uploading, so you have some flexibility and control for where that watermark will fall, but it can be tricky to get it just right. Watermarks are made 30% transparent when uploaded in order to see the art behind it. Watermarks are optional so experiment as you see fit. Please note that if the comic art scans you upload are always JPG images then the watermark you upload must also be a JPG. If you scan your artwork as a Gif then your watermark must be a gif. If you scan your images as JPGs and upload a Gif watermark, the upload will error because we cannot merge those different file types.
Why do some members have larger images on the site than I do?
Premium Members have a maximum image size of 2000 pixels tall. This is a 17" tall image scanned at 72dpi. Non-premium members have their image size restricted to 800 pixels tall.
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Classified Updates |
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Dealer Updates |
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