How to Draw a Tulip in 6 Easy Steps!

What would be a spring motif without tulips? With this step-by-step tutorial, you'll get a template that will help you draw the beautiful messengers of spring with ease.

For this drawing you need a pencil and good crayons.

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Step 1: Flower Head

First draw the calyxes with a pencil. Especially groups of three have a harmonious effect on the viewer.

Step 2: Petals

Refine the flowers with curved lines that represent the demarcation of each petal.

Step 3: Stem

Now draw the stems of the flowers running close together just above the ground. Make sure that they have a natural curve.

Step 4: First Final Contours

Take your drawing pencil and trace the pencil template. Make sure the top edge of the flowers looks natural. Then carefully erase any pencil residue.

Step 5: Leaves for the Stems

Draw the straight leaves of the tulip, again making sure they have a natural curve and a slight bend.

Step 6: Colorize

In the last step, you can color your tulip. Use different shades of green for the leaves and stem, and also use gradations of color for the flower to achieve the most natural result possible.

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