Put an End to the Funding of War by Stopping Conflict Coltan Mining in Congo
Put an End to the Funding of War by Stopping Conflict Coltan Mining in Congo
Why this petition matters
Coltan is a natural substance that when refined, becomes a heat resistant powder that can hold a high electric charge. The properties of refined Coltan is a vital element in creating devices that store energy or capacitors, and are used in a vast array of small electronic devices, especially in mobile phones, laptop computers, pagers, and other electronic devices. The Democratic Republic of Congo possesses 80% of the World's Coltan, which means that your mobile phone, your jewelry, your computer, and your gaming system all contain minerals that fuel fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Coltan is a conflict mineral in the sense that the money gained from it's export to foreign corporations is used to fuel the economy to carry on violence and civil conflict in Congo. Armed groups in Congo earn hundreds of millions of dollars every year by trading conflict minerals. Government troops and armed groups in Congo fight to control mines and smuggling routes, murdering and raping civilians to fracture the structure of society. Locals in mining communities are often forced to take part in the illicit mining economy. Money earned from the sale of conflict minerals is used for personal profit and to further violent causes - making this a highly unethical process. Minerals are smuggled out of Congo through neighboring countries and then shipped to smelters around the world for refinement. Once minerals are processed in this way, it’s difficult to trace their origin. Conflict minerals easily make their way to the West and all over the world in consumer products.
Just like buying organic produce, fair trade coffee, or not buying blood diamonds, consumers should be able to shop for conflict-free electronics. Companies that use conflict minerals—mainly electronics and jewelry companies—should thoroughly trace their supply chains to ensure that their products are not financing atrocities in eastern Congo. In addition, it is critical to build up a clean minerals trade in Congo so that miners can work in decent conditions, and the minerals can go toward benefiting communities instead of warlords. The certification system for minerals in Congo and the region must be strengthened so that companies can purchase clean, conflict-free minerals from Congo and the region. Signing this petition would bring us one step closer to urging governments and foreign organisations to bring about an end to the trade in conflict minerals. Together, we can create a consumer demand for conflict-free minerals from Congo.
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- David Cameron MPFormer Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party
- Samsung