Latest Releases
Electronic Babylon (Musica Electronica)
Susan Copeland, Paul Foster, Yellow Deduction, Helmet Gag, Hill Video, Vegas of Ruptured, Frequency Shine, Liberty Of Banshee, Step Assembly, Naughty Record, Foaming Security, Yves Chang, Jedi Resistor, Database Pluto, X Logic, Jaded Danger, Jason Da Costa, DJ Nuke, Pulpy Antidote, Shocker Of Geek, Maniak, Elusive Gutter, By Medicine, Barbaric Deranged, DJ Dope, Lucky Institution, The Scented Misfit, Orbiting Horsefly, Winged Coast, Till Trench
Silencio Del Mar (25 Anthems of Electronic Breeze), Vol. 3
Jason Allison, Smiling People, Step Assembly, X Logic, Broad Memory, Maniak, Jedi Resistor, Steven Miller, Naughty Record, Alexander Del Rio, Dexter Morrison, Michael Dumont, Trusting Rooster, Sean McPherson, Elusive Gutter, Audrey Langston, Orbiting Horsefly, Yellow Deduction, Solace Lipstick, Allison Fox, Purely Psycho, Dexter Matthews, Judy Burges, Blue Epitaphs, Heather Jefferson
Temple Of Electronic Music (25 Beautiful Beats), Vol. 3
Database Pluto, Pulpy Antidote, X Logic, By Medicine, Jason Da Costa, Broad Memory, Michael Dumont, Dexter Morrison, Insane Surge, Orbiting Horsefly, Trusting Rooster, Robert Adams, Elusive Gutter, The Fissure, Kevin McGee, Widows Tongue, Cathy Norris, Purely Psycho, Chill Of Simian, Morgan Miller, Liberty Of Banshee, Colin Stuart Blawton, Dexter Matthews, Steven Ward, Allison Fox
Underground Beats (A Journey into Sperimental Music)
Susan Copeland, Fisting Foster, Liberty Of Banshee, Foaming Security, Orbiting Horsefly, Database Pluto, Pulpy Antidote, The Recessive Endorsement, Eastern Carrion, Platinum Squirrel, Corner Oscar, Flushing Cork, Common Plant, Possessed Orbit, Dank Heroin, Neat Stealth, Mory Gun, Spunk Voyage, Phono Display, Ripe Loco
Electric Circus, Vol. 4
Alpha Carpet, Backroom Barn, Jethro McGee, Purely Psycho, Elusive Gutter, Cathy Norris, Insane Surge, Hill Video, Liberty Of Banshee, Chill Of Simian, Abroad Wagon, Dexter Morrison, The Fissure, Probe Of Expired, Robert Adams, Steven Miller, Taylor Black, The Unsure Ginger, The Ninth Moonshine, Underground Diffusion, Orbiting Horsefly, Terry Morgan, Solace Lipstick, Matthew Layton, The Recessive Endorsement, Muted Success, Large Sorrow, Troy Sawyer, Jedi Resistor, William Hurt
Electronic Matrix BERLIN
Cathy Norris, The Fissure, The Ninth Moonshine, Underground Diffusion, The Unsure Ginger, Orbiting Horsefly, Terry Morgan, Solace Lipstick, The Recessive Endorsement, Muted Success, Troy Sawyer, Matthew Layton, Jedi Resistor, William Hurt, Taylor Black, Forging Sleeve, Michelle Pettengill, David Michael Matthews, Judy Burges, Susan Copeland, Timothy Winters, Art Mallory, Roberto Silvester, Allan Cohen, Sad Volunteer, Taylor Amber, Outlook Kick, James Jefferson, The Scented Misfit, Spur Of Uniform