Before Alexander Harre came to the Techno scene his youth was formative influenced by Hip Hop and Drum'n'Bass. At the end of 2007 Alexander and a few friends founded the "Elektrischer Widerstand" (Electric Resistance): a group of individuals with similar musical and ethic principles. With them, he organizes very underground oriented events, keeping a clear distance from the usual club-happenings and at the same time exposing their strong influence and vision in mat t ers of bot h polit ical enlight enment and t he developing of the electronic music scene in Hanover, Germany. At the end of 2008 his 12" debut release "Time Goes Bye EP" published by the german label "Puppetpolka" stayed for various weeks on # 1 in several recordstores. In December 2009 his next release "Just Science EP" was