Step into the captivating world of Stefan Soare, an extraordinary artist whose musical journey began in 2011 as “Vlad Sacker” in Argentina’s pulsating rave scene. With insatiable passion, he released two albums that soared to the Top 10 Hardcore/HardTechno Beatport charts. In 2016, he transformed into “Stefan Soare,” a lover of Organic House and Melodic-House/Techno. His unique sound captivated hearts and minds, while the vibrant city of Buenos Aires and coastline became his playground. In 2017, Stefan toured Europe, leaving a lasting impression at renowned venues like Mein Haus am See, Transit, Minimal Bar, and Hertz, Sottosopra, Scream Club. He captivated audiences from Rome to Berlin, sparking widespread excitement wherever he went. He releases with labels such as Dear Deer Records, Votiva Records,Natura Viva Records, Evitative Records, Feel Hype Berlin,