Latest Releases
Torn From The Inside - Sad Songs For Broken Hearts
Chris Michols, Cary Kanno, Brian Thomas Curtin, Gary Wolk, Shadrick Beechem, Anthony Regan, Martin Winslow, Warren Hein, Harpstring Productions, Kevin Reardon, Misfits and Thieves, Tom Croke, Pedro Costa, Too Human, Larry Warren, Christine Kounnas, Frank Zaruba, Chris Cooke, Xxrx, The New Duncan Imperials, John Savage, Image Sounds, Patric Steel
Mellow Moments - The Perfect Selection Of Easy Listening Pop Vocal Songs
Jennifer Matthews, Amycanbe, Merlot Embargo, Zac Nelson, Kirsten Rea, Mandy Cook, Michele Rene, David Harper, John Christopher Thomas, The Answer Productions, Alex Cen, Misfits and Thieves, Michael Wheeler, Too Human, Carsten Holscher, Danah, Timrya-Joi, Listen Vision, Damir Kolakovic, Limmo, Loyda Pichardo- Hjelte, Ex Box Boys, Wilton Vought, Erik Jacobsen, Indie-Go Blue, Trena Marie, Alex Ivy, Eddie Caldwell Feat. Jake Rod, Third Door Down, Tom Townsend, Cary Kanno, Tony Tee, Suchitra Lata, Quarterstep Productions, Estudiante, Katey Laurel, Angela Predhomme, Robert Dellaposta, Arrow Casino, Max Dicarlo, Purple Mountain, Side FX and Kim Cameron, The Vow, E.D. Kennaway, Stan Tristan, Patrick Joseph, Jasen Shawn Smith, Color Theory, Zrazy
Guitara Bossa (Finest Tropical Music)
Morris Lionel, Brian Kelly, Adagio Music, Patrick Joseph, Luke Gartner-Brereton, Jive Ass Sleepers, Island Letter, The Hi Freqs, Ed Napoli Feat. Axel, Cinematic Harmony, KLM Music, Dewey Dellay, Michael Nickolas, Reil Brothers, Kramies, Orly Vardy, Christos Anestopoulos, Francesco Biondi, Kenneth L. King, Dan Phillipson, Kevin Packard, Ntinos Tselis, Heavenless, Tim Brown, Jo Masino, Gordon Hammond, Motiongo Music, Mays & Corn, Michael Musco, Jonathan Geer, Carlos Carty, Stefano Fucili, Casey Harshbarger, Michael Panasuk, Gary Wolk, Alex Goncharenko, Cary Kanno