Bacchus is comprised of Sean & Ben, two producerscurrently residing in sunny Bristol. In a city often noted as acornerstone of the UK underground, the duo have markedthemselves out by channelling their disparate musicalinfluences into a unique take on house and techno.Having spent the vast majority of his life playing the drums,Vancouver-born Sean shored up his knack for percussionvia adolescent forays into keys and guitar. T his familiaritywith a range of instruments and the resultant studio time(plus a pivotal season in Ibiza) soon led him down the roadof solo production, with a number of his tracks beingsnapped up for labels including Tapesh & Maximiljan’sVariante Music.Ben, meanwhile, has taken a more direct route intoproduction. A long-standing DJing habit has seen him holdresidencies at a number of the South-West’s storied partiesincluding infamous