Ash Cook, based in the UK 🇬🇧, embarked on his musical journey at a young age, captivating audiences with high-energy Hard Dance performances as one half of the dynamic duo, Bassbrothers UK. With a knack for crafting electrifying beats, Ash released Hard Dance tracks on renowned labels, captivating fans across Britain and Australia with his adrenaline-pumping sets at live events and festivals. In 2020, Ash Cook ventured solo under his own name, delving into his ultimate passion: Hard Techno. Displaying a seamless transition, Ash curated exhilarating sets and podcasts featuring top-notch Hard Techno tracks from across the globe. Not content with just mixing, Ash also graced the scene with his own productions, landing deals with a multitude of esteemed labels, quickly becoming a burgeoning force in the Hard Techno circuit.