Oscar Metz...he born in the early 90`s as a DJ,starting his carreer in Misano Adriatico,supported by Umberto Ferri(now owner of the chain -disco bar Transylvania). He has been the first to play on the Afterhours boat featured by "Peter Pan" in Riccione,people really likes him,above all for his originality and artistic staff. It has been a good stepping stone for him,and after that,Oscar start to play for several years at "The Cat and the Fox"disco-club,and by that he begin to let know himself and his style also in Tuscany,where Antonio Velasquez,the art-director of "Insomnia",discovered him,giving to Oscar the opportunity to play in the "privee" of his club during some sunday afternoon sessions. Immediatly he started to play flanked by Francesco Farfa,Roby dj,Miki,Gabri Fasano,Mariopiu`..etc..at the house of disco"Tenax club"in Florence,and after this again new experiences