SM Noize is alter ego of young and talented dj and producer from Bosnia & Herzegovina,Srdjan Marjanovic.Born in one of the biggest cities of Bosnia & Herzegovina,Banja Luka.Later moved in to a smaller city called as Prnjavor where he start hes music career.First touch with electronic music was when i was 14 years old.Labels :- Mekanism Records- Sound of Techno- Shout Records- Bass Assault Records- Crunch Control- Naughty Pill Records- Unofficial Records- Pragmatik Recordings- Heavy Snatch Records - Tekx Records- Rawhard Audio Records - Impact MusiqueSupported by:Tex-Rec,Forest People,Adam Jay,Michael Schwarz,Hackler & Kuch,Electrorites,Niereich,Hystericmaniak,Luke Creed,De Hessejung,Lui Urbano,Worda,Elbodrop and many many more... :)
Latest Releases
3rd Selection of The Naughtiest Originals
Ronan Teague, Nicolas Bacher, Gabeen, ATProject, SubSight, SM Noize, Ursula Gleeson, Luix Spectrum, Giu Montijo, Amir Razanica, Derek Pitral, Rob Kipara, 3phazegenerator, Maxx Rossi, Joseph Dalik, Peat Noise, Primal Beat, Darmec, Cave Djz, MNMLX, GO!DIVA, Hiab, Takatsugu Wada, Monocraft, R. Cooper, Gene Karz, Martyn Hare, Julius Chap, Xilinox
Beats Inside vol.3
Nicolas Bacher, Gabeen, ATProject, SubSight, Tosi, Dimitri Motofunk, George Libe, Martyn Hare, SM Noize, Lukas Freudenberger, Gene Karz, Q'hey, Erik Tronik, Hiab, Peat Noise, R. Cooper, Cristior, Ronan Teague, Gottlieb, Joseph Dalik, Nelman, Michel Lauriola, Maik Davis, Xilinox, Primal Beat, Samuel Wallner, CementO, Ursula Gleeson, Joseph Diel, Luix Spectrum, Giu Montijo, Amir Razanica, MNMLX, ChromNoise, Cristian N
2012 The Year Of The Dragon
Bruno Ledesma, Lucas Ezequiel, Stefano Infusino, Mikael Pfeiffer, Trigger Live, Myler, Hystericmaniak, Overlook Hotel, MTD, Dorian Gray, Electrorites, Eugene, Loso, John Mitchell, Paul Begge, Worx, Feyser, Hroft, Positive Merge, Manuel Pisu, Tim Muller, Gabeen, Drugstore, Q Le, F.Akissi, M.Akissi, Mike Ban, Dietmar Wohl, Israel Toledo, Static Sense, SM Noize, Nicolas Oliver, Sebastian Groth, Larix
Roots Of Hate Vol.1
Albert Kraner, Andreas-Tek, Antonio Ruscito, Bruno Ledesma, Caiano, F Red, Chris David, D'FunK, Dan Blume, Doctor Trash, Dorian Gray, Drugstore, Emanuele Millozzi, Emir Hazir, Eugene, Exce, Federico Sahne, Gregory Caruso, Ideal Flow, Italianbeat Guys, Klen-art, F.Akissi, M.Akissi, Manuel Pisu, Mikael Pfeiffer, N.D., Pucet, Q'le, Roman Finansi, SM Noize, Static Sense, Sync Therapy, Tachini, Vincenn, Xilinox