The musical atmosphere of Faery Music was created by Brigit Faery, which has grown into a women's art performance, with members representing different artistic styles. Their music combines modern popular elements with oriental or even ancient melodies. Their aim is to take the listener through a flow experience, where they can get closer to themselves and their ancient roots. They create a fusion experience in which not only music but also the experience of femininity plays a central role.
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Peaceful Morning 039
Redde Rationem, Yammix, Arshakyan, ENRISE, Fraxtal, LEZEN, Syncrosonic, Stendahl, Broken Chair, Faery Music, Tjalling Reitsma, Ilayskin, Kamilo Sanclemente, Nato Medrado, Techsonik, Mind at Large, Igor Carmo, Divenitto, Franz Johann, Prime Audial, Lines Of Silence, Gabriel Slick, Residentes Balearicos, Sasha Sound, Leon De Haro
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