Black Paradise, a duo formed by Evaristo Caldero and Gabo Mez, DJs and music producers born in Tucumán/Argentina, both found their place in the local scene sharing a stage on several occasions. They started working together in 2019, influenced by great national and international references, in their music we can find strongly consolidated rhythmic expressions with fine and dark melodies, going through styles such as Melodic House & Techno, Techno and Ethereal Techno.
Latest Releases
200: Anniversary Selection
STE-O, Manu Be, IDOS (IL), Kanas, Seething Flow, Zebulon, POSYDON, Amarone, Hernan Serrao, Nick Mason, Moiety, Max Metrix, Joe di Bianco, Mechanism, A X L, EZEK, Kylian Lake, Scian, PARTEK, Vincent De La Tore, Alfonso Ares, Stephan Seddel, Acidbro, Sasha 4Time, Acid & Time, ANASTASiiA, nineteen79, Rodyy, Fazlen, Michael Kortenhaus, Gians, Smart Wave, Blufeld, Ezara, Zaria, Pandorum, Home Shell, Olven, Joseph DL, Atamu, Black Paradise, Ruben Zurita, Flashingroof, Pedro Andrade G, A · Tonic, K Logan, Chär Spinelli, Gabriel Spinelli, Franco Romano, Steel Tone, James Halon, MAC:ANNÂ, Escape Room, Slive
150: Anniversary Selection
STE-O, Manu Be, IDOS (IL), Seething Flow, Kanas, POSYDON, Zebulon, Amarone, Moiety, Max Metrix, Nick Mason, Joe di Bianco, Mechanism, EZEK, PARTEK, Vincent De La Tore, Alfonso Ares, Stephan Seddel, A X L, Acidbro, Sasha 4Time, Acid & Time, ANASTASiiA, Fazlen, Michael Kortenhaus, Blufeld, Ezara, Zaria, Hernan Serrao, Rodyy, Black Paradise, Smart Wave, Ruben Zurita, Flashingroof, Pedro Andrade G, A · Tonic, Joseph DL, Atamu, Steel Tone, Gians, Slive, Glenn Molloy, Messier, Kade B, Annett, Whoriskey, Franco Romano, Max ID, Geoffroy Laventure, James Halon, Escape Room, Rockka, Nabil Chami, Nick Behrmann
Polyptych Limited: Year Two
Seething Flow, Kanas, POSYDON, Amarone, Moiety, Max Metrix, STE-O, Vincent De La Tore, Alfonso Ares, PARTEK, Acidbro, Sasha 4Time, Acid & Time, ANASTASiiA, Nick Mason, A X L, Fazlen, Michael Kortenhaus, Blufeld, Smart Wave, Ruben Zurita, Flashingroof, Pedro Andrade G, Rodyy, Black Paradise, Gians, Slive, Steel Tone, James Halon, Geoffroy Laventure, Rockka, Eriva, Kiki (Pl), Gus (MT)