Latest Releases
Reggaeton Nation 2k23
21NS, PASKUDNYK, Svat, Posna, DJ Ala, The Romy, Piri Nico, Ras Pyton, Italian Girls, Rau, DJ Nest, Neuro, EDO ARMENIA, LIONEL JORDAN, Giuseppe Mele, MoRon, Aaron Reyes, VENGABEARS, Popular Chic, Fast-Life, Roberto Conrado, La Cura, celarick, José Ángel, Dj Doc Tone, Nio Cara, Ben Muller, DJ di Granati, Anirhythm, Yoga Culture, DJ Cash, DJ Black, Navy, Gustavo Caveda, Vonel, Florian Jarnell, Baby Fuego, Light Melody, DJ Nils Sifrin
Energy Power Pure Music
Mark Storm, DorisDay, Street kids, Angelus Marino, Balu', Angel P, Franky Show, Double Fab, Henry Floyd, Ewo Ramirez, DJ Beda, Dinaila, Fil Renzi Prj, Dj Skin, DJ Tao, Two Tandem Boys, Michele Cenci, Popular Chic, Twentyone, T&S, Dodos, Alver Deejay, Projecto j, Francesco D'Amico, The K Program, STR, Dj Simbabe, Kidback, Estoy Pocho, Marco Bianchi, Luca Marchetta