His love to music empowers his creativity to do somethingelse about music, starting from a band when he was in highschool in 2009, he was playing in an Electronic band as aProgrammer and Keyboardist. which gave him a lot ofknowledge and experience to produce Electronic DanceMusic. Dubstep/Bass Music is the first genre he played as asolo project. he produced 4 dubstep tracks. and later hemoved to EDM, producing Electro and Progressive HouseTracks. 'Rest of You' is his first single which is accepted bya label and being released in iTunes. T hen, his careerbegan developing to a better state, in 2014 he released'Sumateran Spear' in Beatport. his live experience for manyyears has made his faith to focus on his path, the EDM path.His Tracks can be found at his Personal soundcloudaccount,