Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
We must not wish for the disappearance of our troubles but for the grace to transform them.
Pain and suffering are a kind of currency passed from hand to hand until they reach someone who receives them but does not pass them on.
Just as the power of the sun is the only force in the natural universe that causes a plant to grow against gravity, so the grace of God is the only force in the spiritual universe that causes a person to grow against the gravity of their own ego.
Sin is nothing else but the failure to recognize human wretchedness.
When a contradiction is impossible to resolve except by a lie, then we know that it is really a door.
There are only two things that pierce the human heart. One is beauty. The other is affliction.
The destruction of the past is perhaps the greatest of all crimes.
Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening. Unless one has placed oneself on the side of the oppressed, to feel with them, one cannot understand.
The love of our neighbor in all its fullness simply means being able to say, "What are you going through?
Everything beautiful has a mark of eternity.
Love: To feel with one's whole self the existence of another being.
We only possess what we renounce; what we do not renounce escapes from us.
It is not religion but revolution which is the opium of the people.
It is grace that forms the void inside us and it is grace that can fill the void.
I also am other than what I imagine myself to be. To know this is forgiveness.
To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul.
Everybody knows that really intimate conversation is only possible between two or three. As soon as there are six or seven, collective language begins to dominate. That is why it is a complete misinterpretation to apply to the Church the words 'Wheresoever two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.' Christ did not say two hundred, or fifty, or ten. He said two or three.
The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.
We have to endure the discordance between imagination and fact. It is better to say, “I am suffering,” than to say, “This landscape is ugly.
A beautiful woman looking at her image in the mirror may very well believe the image is herself. An ugly woman knows it is not.
Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.
The only way into truth is through one's own annihilation; through dwelling a long time in a state of extreme and total humiliation.
God's love for us is not the reason for which we should love him. God's love for us is the reason for us to love ourselves.
Whenever one tries to suppress doubt , there is tyranny .
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