Student Worksheet
Recent papers in Student Worksheet
The purpose is to enhance students learning with ease and step by step improvement
The purpose of creating these documents to help students in improvement of their learning with ease and step by step.
contoh soal latihan uas PKN untuk SD kelas 1 semester 1
Dengan memanjatkan puja syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan kesempatan terhadap penyusun sehingga dapat menyelesaikan LKPD Discussion Activity Berbasis PEKA pada Materi Pokok Gerak Lurus untuk peserta didik di... more
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Materi IPA SMP Kelas 7
In this worksheet, students will match the characteristics of the alphabet to each of the seasons and gain a better understanding of what makes a season unique. By gaining a better understanding of the weather, it helps in predicting... more
This research was motivated by the absence of Worksheet Students that support learning Integrated Sciences on the theme of the sense of hearing and sonar systems in living things. This research aims to develop, test feasibility, knowing... more
Intisari-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan produk LKPD bentuk Discussion Activity berbasis PEKA yang layak untuk proses pembelajaran fisika pada pokok bahasan gerak lurus, dan (2) mengetahui ketercapaian keterampilan proses... more
Rancangan penelitian mengenai pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa sebagai bahan ajar matematika untuk siswa kelas III sekolah dasar.
Problem-solving, including methods, procedures, and strategies, is the core and primary process in the 2013 curriculum. The presence of teaching materials that integrated with these skills is one effort to increase problem-solving... more
In this worksheet, students will match the characteristics of the alphabet to each of the seasons and gain a better understanding of what makes a season unique. By gaining a better understanding of the weather, it helps in predicting... more
This study aimed to reveal the differences in student learning outcomes by using two worksheets, among student learning outcomes by using guided inquiry-based worksheets with MGMP worksheets that usually use at that school . In the... more
Problem-solving, including methods, procedures, and strategies, is the core and primary process in the 2013 curriculum. The presence of teaching materials that integrated with these skills is one effort to increase problem-solving... more
contoh soal-soal latihan IPA untuk SD kelas 1 semester 1