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Post-modern theology is highly suspicious of social theory and its secular origins. After all, the founder who gave us the word “sociology” also coined the term “positivism.” An alternative strategy is that of Bernard Lonergan, a... more
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      Social TheorySociology of ReligionMax SchelerSocial Physics
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      SchizophreniaCognitionSocial CognitionSocial Interaction
The concept of affordance has different interpretations in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). However, its treatment has been merely as a one-to-one relationship between a user and a technology. We believe that a broader view... more
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      Human Computer InteractionStructuration TheoryEveryday Life
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      Structuration TheoryAnthony GiddensMargaret ArcherIndividual and Society
The requirement for high accuracy in dynamic positioning of remotely operated vehicles (ROV), especially when tasks close to underwater structures have to be performed, demands high precision of sensor systems. Taut-wire and passive arm... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsAdaptive Control
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      Organization StudiesStructuration TheoryBusiness and ManagementSystem Theory
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      SociologySocial TheorySocial SciencesRational Choice
Child soldiers are generally portrayed either as victims of structural forces that are beyond their control and comprehension or as knowing agents of mayhem in search of revolutionary change or personal gain. Yet these singular... more
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      CriminologyPolitical SciencePolitical Violence and TerrorismCivil War
The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of the recently rejuvenated field of comparative criminology. It begins by considering the context and history of comparative criminology and continues by outlining the contemporary... more
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      Criminal JusticeStructuration TheorySystem TheoryCase Study
Although scholars have begun to study face-to-face deliberation on public issues, "deliberation" has no clear conceptual definition and only weak moorings in larger theories. To address these problems, this essay integrates diverse... more
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      Communication TheoryStructuration TheoryFace to FaceCommon Ground
Dünya tasavvuru, bireyin bilincindeki akla uygunluğun -gerçeklik hakkındaki kavrayışsal ihtiyaçlarında tasdik edilmektedir. İnsan ve tecrübe ettiği dünya arasındaki diyalektik süreç tarihsel düzlemde toplumsal olgu ve olaylara intibak... more
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      Structuration TheoryAnthony GiddensDin Sosyolojisi
Population geographers should consider a mixed methods approach to the study of migration. This methodological position arises in response to the challenges of contemporary social theory. It is argued that application of structuration... more
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      Social TheoryHuman GeographyStructuration TheoryCase Study
Social Morphogenesis is the first volume in a series of books, edited by Margaret Archer, that seeks to develop an explanatory framework that can account for how the rate of social change has 'speeded up' in the last three decades. The... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryCritical RealismPhilosophy of Social Science
A tenable genre development of Internet memes is introduced in three categories to describe memetic transformation: spreadable media, emergent meme, and meme. We argue that memes are remixed, iterated messages which are rapidly spread by... more
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      Internet memesStructuration TheoryMemes
The globalisation of activities associated with software development and use has introduced many challenges in practice, and also (therefore) many for research. While the predominant approach to research in software engineering has... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringInformation TechnologyResearch Methodology
There is increasing interest in the social entrepreneur and the process of social entrepreneurship. This has led to criticisms of fuzziness surrounding these concepts. This paper explores the concept of the social entrepreneur,... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial EntrepreneurshipSocial EnterprisesSocial Enterprise
Abstract  Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration is a theory of social action, which claims that society should be understood in terms of action and structure; a duality rather than two separate entities. This paper introduces some of... more
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This critical communication pedagogy study consists of a cripistemological analysis of two prominent communication theory textbooks to better understand the nondisableist assumptions embedded within these textbooks and, by extension, our... more
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      Critical Disability StudiesDiscourseCommunication TheoryPerformance Theory
This chapter reviews basic structuration theory and its major uses in organizational communication studies.
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      Communication TheoryStructuration Theory
In recent years, the number of Japanese learners has been increasing all over the world. Although the Japanese Government initiates and supports the study of the Japanese language in various parts of the world, the educational purpose of... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureLanguage Planning and PolicyStructuration Theory
小論は、日本語を習っても日本企業への就職や日本への留学の機会がほとんどない、つまり日本 語を学ぶことが“実益”に結びつきにくい海外での日本語教育環境下で、日本語学習を行う意味と 目的について考察する。調査対象地として、日本語を学ばずとも、すでに国内で23 言語が使用され、 日本人と日本語でコミュニケーションを行う機会があまり存在しない中米グアテマラに設定し、グ アテマラ人日本語学習者(以下、学習者)に 2012 年に現地調査1を行った。本稿では、典型例とし... more
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      Japanese Language And CultureLanguage Planning and PolicyMotivation (Education)Structuration Theory
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      Discourse AnalysisProcess PhilosophyGrammaticalizationEnglish Grammar
This paper tries to sum up the criticism that turns around structuration theory to help the applications in MIS field. The literature review allow to advance three categories of criticisms: (1) the conflation of structure and human agent,... more
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    • Structuration Theory
In this paper we present an empirical analysis to test whether organisation configurations and management accounting systems change simultaneously. Using the original application of the fuzzy logic methodology, we analyse the level of... more
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      EconomicsOrganizational CultureOrganisational ChangeManagement Accounting
Political ecology (PE) is rooted in a combination of critical perspectives and the hard won insights distilled from field work. The theoretical base of political ecology was joined, by Piers Blaikie and others, to an unflinching... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsPolitical EcologySustainable Development
“Theory and research that capture the contours of collectives have been fundamental objectives of social science since its inception.” (Cohen, 1989: 273). There are different traditions of thought that have adopted different perspectives... more
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      SociologyContemporary Social TheoryStructuration TheoryAnthony Giddens
Character Assassination: The Sociocultural Perspective offers a fresh view on the subject. His article views character assassination as a strategic effort embedded in power and ideological struggles in society. He uses structuration... more
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      SociologyStructuration TheoryAnthony GiddensPubic Relations
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      Control TheoryStructuration TheorySocial organizationSocial Organization
An ethnographically revised linguistic landscape study can be used as a sensitive methodological tool for detecting the complexities of urban space in superdiverse areas. The data used in this book are from an inner-city neighborhood in... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural Studies
Against the backdrop of a growing concern for the fate of critique in the current era, queer video games such as tranxiety, Dream Daddy and Gone Home have begun to engage players in the process of critically examining their own... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryVideo GamesStructuration Theory
İçinde bulunduğumuz büyük veri çağında bireylerin yaşam tarzları, günlük alışkanlıkları ve düşünce biçimleri teknolojideki hızlı ve yıkıcı gelişmelerle dünyayı sarsan değişikliklere uğramış, böylece artık tüm ihtiyaçlarımızı... more
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      Digital LiteracyAlgorithmStructuration TheoryBig Data
In Europe welfare state provision has been subjected to 'market forces'. Over the last two decades, the framework of economic competitiveness has become the defining aim of education, to be achieved by new managerialist techniques and... more
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      MarxismCritical RealismCultureEducation Policy
This volume contains the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (ICATPN 2005). The Petri net conferences serve to discuss yearly progress in the field of... more
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      Structuration TheoryPetri NetBoolean Satisfiability
Structuration theory (ST) is a broad social theory developed most prominently by sociologist Anthony Giddens. The theory began as a critique of what Giddens viewed as two unacceptable poles within social theory, that of overemphasis on... more
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      Organizational CommunicationStructuration TheoryAgencyAnthony Giddens
This paper proposes that structuration theory provides a useful framework for analyzing ethical dilemmas. Traditional deontological and teleological approaches to case analysis focus on identification and resolution of ethical dilemmas... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsStructuration TheoryEthical decision making
We argue that certain theoretical commitments that underpin much existing Interorganisational Information Systems (IOIS) research at small scales become untenable when IOIS are studied at the scale of whole industries and over time... more
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      Practice theoryResearch DesignSupply ChainStructuration Theory
Recent conceptualizations of a “web 2.0″ focusing on enabling user generated content has grown increasingly common in public discourse and among researchers. While hopes have generally been high regarding political use of online... more
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      Web 2.0Political communicationStructuration TheoryInteractivity
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      Group TheoryDifferential GeometryStructuration TheoryFinite Volume
The War on Drugs in the United States has been part of a system of social control targeting low-income black and Latinx communities. While this statement has been contested, its validity is clear from an encompassing framework that... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesCriminologyPolitical Sociology
Previous studies of institutional change suggest that delegitimated institutions will subsequently lose coherence and dissipate (deinstitutionalization). However, this process has been assumed but not substantiated. Using a historical... more
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      Organizational ChangeInstitutional TheoryJapanese HistoryStructuration Theory
In this paper we argue that understanding accounting practices in their organisational contexts requires more than a technical description of accounting information systems as they are conceived and designed in abstract. What is required... more
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      Social ChangeOrganizational ChangePublic sectorStructuration Theory
In joining the search for the elusive structure of the Apocalypse, this article explores more fully the structural implications of three literary conventions: (1) the “space/time referent”; (2) meta tauta eidon (“after these things I... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismApocalyptic EschatologyThe Apocalypse of JohnStructuration Theory
This research focuses on the problem of how early pottery in New York State is defined and analyzed. Many traditional models suggest early pottery developed from an earlier steatite stone bowl technology. Thus far, studies that examine... more
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      Native American StudiesExperimental ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)
The irreversibilities (exergy destruction) within a component of an energy conversion system can be represented by two parts. The first part depends on the inefficiencies of the considered component while the second part depends on the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergyPerformanceEnergy Conversion
Purpose -This study aims to investigate in-depth, and explain the issues related to, the implementation of IAS/IFRS in an emergent country that recently adhered to the European Union, i.e. Romania. Design/methodology/approach -An... more
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      AccountingEuropean UnionStructuration TheoryFinancial Reporting
The concept of structuration in social theory broadly refers to the theoretical attempt to move beyond the traditional, entrenched dichotomy between agents and structures by reconceptualizing the relationship between them. As such it... more
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      Social TheoryStructuration TheoryAnthony GiddensThe Agent-Structure Problem
Pertemuan penting UN Global Compact di Jenewa, Swiss, Kamis, 7 Juli 2007 yang dibuka Sekjen PBB mendapat perhatian media dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Pertemuan itu bertujuan meminta perusahaan untuk menunjukkan tanggung jawab dan perilaku... more
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      Development StudiesCorporate Social ResponsibilityStructuration TheorySociology of Development
While most contributions to this collection focus centrally on political ecology (PE), this paper approaches the work of Piers Blaikie through a somewhat different lens, situating his political ecological contributions within the broader... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPolitical EcologyRisk
This article addresses the problem of structural determinism in archaeological explanations of material culture change, specifically architecture. A discussion of Giddens' structuration theory emphasizes the duality of structure. The... more
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      Agency TheoryMaya ArchaeologyStructuration Theory