Recent papers in Steampunk
Just as Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a cultural touchstone that signalled the end of Japan’s unfounded optimism of the bubble economy era, Attack on Titan is the revenant marking the post-2008 cultural shift from the free movement of... more
The article discusses two Polish alternate history novels: Orzeł bielszy niż gołębica (An Eagle Whiter than a Dove) by Konrad T. Lewandowski and Gambit Wielopolskiego (Wielopolski's Gambit) by Adam Przechrzta in the context of the... more
With the arrival of new technologies, the population has gained easy access to cultural products of almost any historical period. Curiously, one of the most significant years for our contemporaries seems to be the Victorian and Edwardian... more
Originally conceived as an adaptation of the works of Jules Verne by Hayao Miyazaki and eventually developed by Hideaki Anno and the studio Gainax, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water (1990 - 1991) acts as one of the clearest examples of the... more
BAKA L. Patrik: Gőzexpressz. Dávid Ádám: Millennium expressz-trilógia = LŐRINCZ Gábor – DOMONKOSI Ágnes (szerk.): Stílus – variativitás – műfordítás. Köszöntő kötet Lőrincz Julianna 70. születésnapjára, Selye János Egyetem, Komárom, 2020,... more
Résumé du projet de thèse dirigée par Arnaud HUFTIER (Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis/Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France), débutée en janvier 2019.
Thèse de recherche-création.
Thèse de recherche-création.
How might the past have looked had its “future” occurred before it was supposed to? This is the theoretical space inhabited by Steampunk, an intertextual, interdisciplinary movement that is, at once, an aesthetic, a Science-Fiction (SF)... more
BOOKS Alice in Transmedia Wonderland. Curiouser and Curio ser New Forms of a Children’s Classic. Jefferson: McFarland, 2016. (forthcoming) Body-Texts in the Novels of Angela Carter. Writing from a Corporeagraphic Point of View . Lewiston,... more
This article highlights a growing confusion between two recent movements: retro-futurism and steampunk. While these each involve visual representations of the past and future, they can be distinguished by their modes of production. Both... more
subgenres in speculative fiction. Past-tomorrows and future-yesterdays: Metahistorical Narratives & Scientific Metafictions is a foray into spatial and temporal grids explored by the literary production of the last forty years. Set at the... more
"Introduction" to Clockwork Rhetoric: The Language and Style of Steampunk
ABSTRACT In medieval Jewish folklore, golems are man-shaped automata, usually formed of clay, and activated by magic words written on or hidden within their heads. They are activated by magic, but generally do not have magical powers.... more
The rise of retrofuturism has introduced a fantastical new line with the DC Bombshells -- heroines without the men, all set in World War II. Their aesthetic and clever adaptation mirrors the best of steampunk rewriting. There's also... more
Głównym celem pracy jest zarówno charakterystyka nurtu steampunkowego jak i próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyczynę raptownego skoku jego popularności w skali globalnej. Steampunk jest zjawiskiem obejmującym wiele dziedzin sztuki i życia:... more
Considering the producers and consumers, one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today is the video game industry. Video games have become an important marketing product with the combined use of art, design, architecture,... more
Science-fiction comics and graphic novels portray realistic scenarios of how our cities may evolve. These are based on the extrapolation of present trends as well as speculation, “what if” scenarios that can inform us about past, present... more
This chapter analyzes the sartorial imperialism, colonial cosplay (short for costume play), and anti-imperialist nostalgia of steampunk subculture, an underground lit- erary subgenre turned massively popular subculture. Through a... more
Postmodern Reinterpretations of Fairy Tales. How Applying New Methods Generates New Meanings
Edited by Anna Kérchy
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
Hardcover, illustrated, 520 pages
ISBN10: 0-7734-1519-X
ISBN13: 978-0-7734-1519-5.
Edited by Anna Kérchy
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
Hardcover, illustrated, 520 pages
ISBN10: 0-7734-1519-X
ISBN13: 978-0-7734-1519-5.
Farmington Hills: Gale, 2016. 458pp. Print. Dict. of Lit. Biog. 377. Since 1978, the Dictionary of Literary Biography has been one of the world’s most comprehensive resources for literary studies, covering over 12,000 authors, works,... more
Öz: Çizgi roman, grafik ile metnin birlikte kurgulanması ile gerçekleşen bir anlatı sanatıdır. Bilimkurgu çizgi romanı ise bilim ve teknoloji unsurlarını kullanarak oluşturulan bir çizgi roman türüdür. Fakat Türkiye'de bilimkurgu çizgi... more
De hogy mi is pontosan a steampunk? Erre a kérdésre (is) keresi a választ a Teljes gőzzel címet viselő monográfia. Az irányzat szellemiségének alapvető jellemzője vitathatatlanul a szabadságvágy, valamint a következetesen működtetett... more
In book: Ada's Legacy: Cultures of Computing from the Victorian to the Digital Age, Publisher: Association of Computing Machinery Books, Editors: Robin Hammerman and Andrew Russell
This history of Victorian literature’s role in twentieth- and twenty-first century popular culture and academic discourse culminates with a discussion of three ways that steampunk and neo-Victorian fiction differ from postmodernism.
This essay, which began as a book idea, merges ideas about Transhumanism with my personal interests in alchemy, Steampunk, theatre, the work of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, computers, technology, and virtual reality. It seeks to... more
Die Textur von fleckigem Antikleder, durch Berührung polierte Messingbeschläge, bizarre dampfbetriebene Apparaturen, eine Fusion von viktorianischer Industrialisierung und futuristischer Technologie: Was sich in den späten 1980er Jahren... more
Mit der Frage „Was wäre gewesen, wenn...?“ setzen die Autoren von „Interventionen in die Zeit“ ein. In Umbruchzeiten – Mauerfall oder das Ende des Sowjetimperiums – haben derlei kontrafaktische Geschichten Konjunktur. Bekanntes erscheint... more
Abstract: This article discusses the neo-Victorian transmedia performance of Emilie Autumn, in the light of the “disproportionate attention” given to sensationalist tropes in feminist and queer criticism (Kohlke and Gutleben 2010: 23).... more
Függőhidakat ősidők óta építenek. A legkorábbiak a trópusi övezet magashegységeiben, a Himalájában és az Andokban kötötték össze a vidék addig áthidalhatatlannak tűnő pontjait. […] A Függőhidak alapgondolata ugyanez: olykor messzebbi,... more
Women have traditionally been objects of abuse, exploitation and discrimination (Romero Ruiz). The patriarchal structure dominant in the Victorian period was so strong that women had to be submissive and respect their fathers’ and... more
Since the dawn of the new millennium, the retro-futuristic movement and literary sub-genre known as steampunk has become highly commodified within a number of media. Adapted through its own fin de siècle anxieties, cinema has played a... more
The article discusses two Polish alternate history novels: Orzeł bielszy niż gołębica (An Eagle Whiter than a Dove) by Konrad T. Lewandowski and Gambit Wielopolskiego (Wielopolski’s Gambit) by Adam Przechrzta in the context of the... more
This essay analyzes Anthony Lucas’ short film The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello (2005), an adventure film set at a Steampunk universe, which proposes a revision of literary classics of science fiction as H.G. Wells... more
As cenas de voo estão presentes em grande parte dos filmes do es-túdio Ghibli, sendo o tema central ou de extrema importância em boa parte de-les. Nesse artigo vamos traçar um panorama sobre o significado do voo e suas intenções em... more
Court papier pour la revue professionnelle intercdi sur la question du steampunk et son apport vis à vis des SIC et des logiques documentaires dont Paul Otlet. A noter, quelques propositions pour un cdi steampunk
An eximination of the origins of steampunk.