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Nairobi, Kenya — In both the Kibera and Mathare slums of Nairobi, Kenya, life is hard and perilous. The slums are among Africa's largest. Depending on the number people displaced from rural areas by civil strife, disease, and grinding... more
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      HistorySociologyEducationMedia Studies
Nairobi, Kenya— Based on forensics analysis provided by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), police officials in Kenya now say that a recent explosion in downtown Nairobi shopping mall, Sunday, was an act of terrorism.... more
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      HistoryEducationJournalismSocial Sciences
[Author's note: In April 2013, along with a half-dozen other journalists and writers from around the world, I was allowed access to photograph inside the media-restricted Fukushima exclusion zone. As a form of protest, a local official... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringNuclear EngineeringHistory
Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2017). Estrategias participativas y colaborativas en la narrativa factual (Ed. y Coord.). Obra Digital, 12-1. Vic: Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. ISSN: 2014-5039.... more
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      MultimediaCollaborationParticipationTransmedia Storytelling
This article discusses the working lives of individuals working in the British independent television production sector. It focuses on the material reality of their individualised, precarious working environment, investigating the... more
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      EthicsCultural PolicyPrecarityDocumentary Film
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryEconomic HistoryEvolutionary Biology