Safe Schools
Recent papers in Safe Schools
As educators and parents of children with disabilities, we recognize that students with significant disabilities benefit from research-based strategies to support the development of academic and social learning. We regularly use... more
Dominant understanding of LGBTQ students' school experiences has been shaped by discourses that reduce "the problem" to bullies who express homophobic attitudes by targeting LGBTQ peers. In turn, interventions typically focus on... more
Meyer's comprehensive treatise on bullying undertakes a controversial subject within U.S. K-12 schools and provides guidelines that should make public and private educators more comfortable dealing with issues of homophobia and sexism.... more
A safe school is an increasingly urgent need from the perspective of reducing risks and disasters of any nature that may compromise the physical and psychological integrity of its audience, in particular students, as they represent a... more
School climate, safety and well-being of students are important antecedents of academic achievement. However, school members do not necessarily experience school climate in the same way; rather, their subjective perceptions of the... more
School climate, safety and well-being of students are important antecedents of academic achievement. However, school members do not necessarily experience school climate in the same way; rather, their subjective perceptions of the... more
Jim Baines of Bangor, Maine, one July evening, he and two friends attacked two gay men, killing one. Ten year later, at age 25, Baines turned his life around by attempting to repay society for his crime. On occasion, he took voluntary... more
I have also uploaded a translated English version of this article. Die Menseregtekommissie se ondersoek in 2001 het aan die lig gebring dat seksuele teistering en geweld ’n aansienlike probleem in Suid-Afrikaanse skole is (HRW 2001).... more
Most scholars and educators steer clear of queer theory because the word" queer" has a long history of being a pejorative term for gays and lesbians or anyone perceived to be different. What many people do not understand is that in the... more
In this paper, the authors consider how pandemic schooling is increasing educational inequalities that may have generational effects. Reviewing emerging evidence on rates of return to in-person schooling and disparities in remote learning... more
In the light of the matter reported by Samodien (2012) where a father intends to sue the Department of Education for damages incurred by his child who was raped at school, this article focuses on the duty of educators and schools to... more
Violence at schools based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or sex characteristics occurs everywhere in Europe and is acutely underreported. The efforts of the European education authorities to address the problem must... more
Abstract Cumulative research highlights prenatal factors as the main causes of deviant development with long-term negative outcomes. This review examines ancient and modern views about deviant prenatal development as well as... more
Pulling from in-depth interviews with school administrators, counselors, security and police officers, and teachers directly involved in thwarting rampage attacks at 11 Northeastern schools, this study considers the extent to which... more
This work proposes school safety be considered in terms of the wider perspective of urban safety in general, taking a totalitarian approach and presenting the basic problems and possible solutions inherent within the issue of safeguarding... more
Vulnerable young people such as those with Autism Spectrum Disorders, intellectual disabilities, or social, behavioural and emotional difficulties – often lack the skills to make the right decisions when faced with potentially dangerous... more
on a school harassment case based on gender and sexual identity. The school district eventually settled. Part of the settlement included a requirement that the district's policies and practices be evaluated for bias and be improved. The... more
Öz: Etkili öğretimin ana unsurlarından birisi öğrenci ve eğitim görevlilerinin kendilerini güven içinde hissetmeleridir. Bireyin kendisini güvende hissetmediği ortamlarda etkili bir öğretim ve öğrenmenin gerçekleştirilmesi çok zordur.... more
Greater recognition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity led the United Nations to take a direct stand against school-based homophobic bullying. The UN Secretary-General called the prevalence of this... more
The 2005 Hyogo Framework for Action seeks to ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and a local priority through using both national platforms and community participation. It refers to the inclusion of disaster risk reduction... more
In this essay, I discuss the different research available on making school Emergency Operation Plans, and why Jewish schools have unique challenges as there are limited resources available to them. Using the basic framework of FEMA and... more
The Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association (RMCLA) initiated independent, non-partisan public consultations to elicit input from Albertans on the issue of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) — including those both against and for the... more
In the past few years, bullying as a social phenomenon has gained greater visibility and become a part of the public consciousness as a problem demanding immediate attention. Books on LGBTQ bullying have begun to proliferate-many authored... more
In this study, it is aimed to examine the perceptions of pedagogical formation teacher candidates about the safe and supportive school climate according to various variables. The population of the research, which was designed in the... more
Sayısal olarak çok az gerçekleşmekle birlikte okullarda silahla yaralama ve öldürme olayları tüm dünyada diğer bütün şiddet suçlarından daha büyük bir kamuoyu ilgisi ve korku ortamı oluşturarak okul güvenliği algısını tehlikeye sokan en... more
After a brief overview of the current violence in schools, I present several cases over the last three years where students, in both high school and elementary school, brought knives to zero tolerance schools. After the presentation, I... more
Nemzetközi, nem kötelező érvényű nyilatkozat az iskolákat és az oktatást érő fegyveres támadások és hatásaik visszaszorítása érdekében. A Nyilatkozat letéteményese a norvég Külügyminisztérium. (Disclaimer: I do not own the original... more
The data presented in this fact sheet were collected as part of the California Healthy Kids Survey in the spring of 2014 at middle and high schools across San Luis Obispo County. The data were collected using a survey administered by... more
This thesis engages in critical policy analysis in order to examine the ways in which certain representations of violence are problematised in and through social policy. Underpinned by an understanding of policy as discourse based on the... more
Safe schools are the concern of communities throughout the world. If a school is safe, and if children feel safe, students are better able to learn. But what are the steps to make this happen? First, it is important to understand the... more
UMI. ProQuest® Dissertations & Theses The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest. Governance and Comprehensive Community Initiatives: A Case Study of the PRYSE Coalition... more