Recent papers in Reportage
Le parole di Maurizio Serra possono aiutarci ad introdurre una figura complessa e sfaccettata come quella malapartiana: lo scrittore pratese è definito dal curatore della sua biografia «uno degli interpreti più singolari del ventesimo... more
"Converged" reportage. "Dzienniki kołymskie" by J. Hugo-Bader as media hybrid The article analyses the relation between the process of media convergence and hybridization of contemporary reportage. The integration of old and new media... more
This essay seeks to explore the tensions in the paradoxical location of 'non-fiction'-or the de-hyphenated 'nonfiction', as we prefer-as a literary/artistic category, one that is built upon a negation. The opposition set up in the term by... more
Giuseppe Rizzo esordisce con L’invenzione di Palermo (2010), che racconta la Sicilia degli emarginati- barboni, zingari, ladri – senza volontà di denuncia ma evitando al tempo stesso pietismi; i personaggi abitano una Palermo distopica,... more
Unmasking Of North-East India - a review of Anil Yadav's book, "Is That Even A Country, Sir!: Journeys In Northeast India By Train, Bus And Tractor", translated by Anurag Basnet from the Hindi original, "Wah Bhi Koi Des Hai Mahraj". First... more
The author introdusces reportage as a general genere, and then discusses comics reportage in relation to both other forms of this genere and to fiction comics. The roles of the author and the narrator are discussed throught several... more
Ce séminaire se plongera dans les journaux, les revues et les reportages radio qui ont marqué la période donnant suite à la naissance de la sociologie, l’époque considérée comme « classique ». De Berlin à Chicago en passant par Prague et... more
Ved hjelp av spesielt hjerneforskning og flere psykologiske disipliner, samt mange års erfaring med klienter, forsøker forfatterne å forklare hvem mannen er og hvem han kan bli. Kanskje kan denne boka bidra til en tiltrengt åndelig,... more
Appliquant la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu, Maggetti retrace l'histoire du champ littéraire romand débutant à partir des années 1840 avec les révolutions radicales, en passant par son autonomisation, achevée à la fin des années... more
W obecnej dobie podróżowanie stało się codzienną praktyką wielu ludzi. Przemierza się kraje i kontynenty w celach turystycznych, w poszukiwaniu pracy, z powodów rodzinnych i zapewne z wielu przyczyn tutaj niewymienionych. Ale jeszcze... more
• Donbass. Le mie cronache di guerra di Vittorio Nicola Rangeloni [recensione], in,
28/12/2021: Donbass. Le mie cronache di guerra - Vittorio Nicola Rangeloni - Recensione libro (
28/12/2021: Donbass. Le mie cronache di guerra - Vittorio Nicola Rangeloni - Recensione libro (
'Wale Oni and Oluseye Babatunde analyze the content of three newspapers (Vanguard, Nigerian Tribune and New Nigeria) to determine their coverage of the public opinion on the bail jump saga of the erstwhile governor of Bayelsa Sstate,... more
Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítás, a nyilvános előadás, a rádióés televízióadás, valamint a fordítás jogát, az egyes fejezeteket illetően is A kiadásért felelős az Akadémiai Kiadó Zrt.
Facts – language – subjectivity. Stylistic peculiarities of Ryszard Kapuściński’s reportages The book discusses stylistic manifestations of subjectivity in the reportages of Ryszard Kapuściński, observed on three levels of linguistic... more
Based on an analysis build upon the narratological principles and the categories fiction/non-fiction, as well as on a range of specific comparisons with other authors (Leonardo Sciascia, Truman Capote, Emmanuel Carrère and Primo Levi),... more
Oslanjajući se na izvorno, odnosno polazno značenje, filmska ili televizijska reportaža jest izvještaj 2 -obavještavanje nekoga o nečemu što se doista zbilo u okolnom, stvarnome životu (vidi odredbe reportaže u definicijskom okviru).
Latin America journalism, throughout history, has been snugly knitted to the rich literature tradition of the region. In the 19th century – the century of the de-colonisation struggle with the Spanish crown – Latin American writers began... more
The objective of this thesis is to explore and critically examine conflict photography in terms of the contested site of production and its reception. Primarily, it examines the rapport between conflict photography and its ability to... more
The Polish reporter and writer Ryszard Kapuscinski achieved international fame by the time of his death in January 2007. Less well known outside his home country is that Kapuscinski represents only one example of a larger tradition... more
Artykuł (Wy)czytać świat z reportaży – wokół edukacji globalnej stanowi próbę zaprezentowania ważnych zagadnień społecznych omawianych w reportażach, które mogą być wykorzystywane na lekcji polskiego w szkole ponadpodstawowej. Analizowane... more
Pers Indonesia mengalami dua rezim pemerintahan. era orde Baru pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto dan era Reformasi pasca Soeharto. Keduanya memiliki dinamika pers yang berbeda. Pada orde Baru, terutama pasca Peristiwa Malari,... more
Laporan ini memaparkan hasil kunjungan Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL) yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris 2015, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman pada 11 Mei 2018 di kantor berita The Jakarta Post, Jl.... more
La strada è uno degli elementi fondamentali che compongono il mosaico del viaggio, i tanti percorsi disegnati dell'uomo non sarebbero esistiti se non fosse stata ideata la strada. Lo scambio, il commercio, le idee, gli incontri e scontri... more
Reportage of pressing issue on the Philippine Drug War
Capital punishment was common practice in the early decades of colonial Australia: the malefactor swinging from the end of a hangman's noose a well-known sight. Crimes of antisocial behaviour, food and forgery were of central concern to... more
“Their disappointment is concealed from the nosy reporters” The Poetics of Literary Journalism in Reportage This article centers on an eye-witness reportage, “Myrskyn silmässä” (“In the Eye of the Storm”), written by Miira Lähteenmäki... more
Dit hoofdstuk schetst in hoeverre objectiviteit is geaccepteerd in de Nederlandse journalistiek en hoe dit proces is verlopen. Ik zal eerst analyseren wat het objectiviteitsregime als samenhangend complex van normen, routines en... more
Einst Königsdisziplin des Journalismus ist die Reportage dieser Tage in Verruf geraten. Aufgrund ihrer erzählerischen Verfasstheit wird ihr vorgeworfen, dass sie die Verfälschung von Fakten geradezu forciere, dass sie zu literarisch sei.... more
CONVEGNO MOD 2017 -BOLOGNA La modernità letteraria e le declinazioni del visivo: arti, cinema, fotografia e nuove tecnologie venerdì 23 giugno ore 14.30 -19.00
The Stakes of Exposure Anxious Bodies in Postwar Japanese Art Namiko Kunimoto The first major English-language study of some of Japan’s most important postwar artists How would artistic practice contribute to political change in... more
Lorsque Gina van Hoof m'a montré les prises de vues qu'elle avait réalisées au Brésil et qu'elle m'a demandé d'étudier la faisabilité d'un ouvrage qui relaterait l'émigration en 1904 de quelques dizaines de familles juives originaires de... more
Pochi luoghi hanno raccolto proclami, musica, entusiasmi, amori e drammi come la Piazza del Popolo di Roma. Ha fatto da scenografia a manifestazioni politiche, concerti e raduni dai temi più disparati. Se solo i sampietrini, tipico... more
Parution: 5 novembre 2019 ISBN: 9782763745787 * Résumé Le cinéma et la presse ont toujours possédé un grand nombre d’affinités électives, de même qu’ils ont toujours été en compétition. Leurs canaux de diffusion et leurs plateformes... more
Czechy to nie tylko knedliki, piwo i Karel Gott -g∏osi∏ Antoni Pawlak we wst´pie do ksià˝ki Andrzeja S. Jagodziƒskiego "Banici (Rozmowy z czeskimi pisarzami emigracyjnymi)". Mariusz Szczygie∏ prawdopodobnie ominà∏ t´ lektur´ podczas swych... more
After William H. Russell, the Irish reporter for The Times of London and Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina, the forerunner of American reportage and correspondent for La Presse – defined by Indro Montanelli as “the most brilliant... more