R programming language
Recent papers in R programming language
R Programlamanın temelleri olan ;vektörler , matrisler , liste ,fonksiyon ,döngüler,grafikler ve diğer programlama özellikleri incelenmiştir.
This is the slide deck for my presentation done during confeRence 2018, a R user group conference hosted in Malaysia. It describes the state of R Studio Cloud circa October 2018
One of the challenging research problems in the domain of time series analysis and forecasting is making efficient and robust prediction of stock market prices. With rapid development and evolution of sophisticated algorithms and with the... more
Alcohol consumption in higher education institutes is not a new problem; the legal drinking age in the India is minimum 18 year, but heavy drinking by underage students and by those who are age 18 or older is dangerous, and disruptive.... more
Tarihçilerin interaktif haritalar yaptığı, dilbilimcilerin metinlerde kullanılan kelimelerin örüntülerini belirlemek için bilgisayar teknolojilerini kullandığı günümüzde, hemen hemen her disiplinden araştırmacıların Internet’i ve Web’i... more
R language and environment for statistical computing is used in the agricultural science and practice not only for conducting of the statistical analyses of the data but for performing specific calculations rapidly and securely. Using and... more
Abstract This study uses a novel approach to describe modern English academic texts in terms of the amount and distribution of syntactic subordination, coordination and phrasal structures. Inconsistent results have been reported in... more
The focus of this study is to determine the existence and extent of statistical bias towards any of the Doki Doki Literature Club characters with respect to the points distribution of the Poem Minigame. The results of this study show that... more
The main purpose of this article is to present the use of R programming language in cartographic visualization demonstrating using machine learning methods in geographic education. Current trends in education technologies are largely... more
Materi Optimasi mengenai Pemrograman Statistika dengan R tahun ajaran 2015/2016 versi 1.00
Logistic regression analysis of factors contributing to bank deposit subscription and direct marketing success. View project at:... more
R ile olasılık dağılımlarına ilişkin uygulamalar
Analyse des données agrométéorologiques avec R
This report sets out the main findings and recommendations for using a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) modelling approach on both qualitative and quantitative data (provided by an anonymous client) with the specification of assessing and... more
It is a well-known fact that advertisement plays a major role in increasing the sales of any product introduced in the market. Particularly advertisement that uses the image of a celebrity has huge impact. But as the trends change, the... more
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R
By Christian Heumann · Michael Schomaker
With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R
By Christian Heumann · Michael Schomaker
The dataset has a good mix of categorical independent variables, and a continuous dependent variable (price). This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It includes homes sold from May 2014 to May... more
Como analisar a participação política em ambientes deliberativos, usando software livre? Este trabalho demonstra, na prática, opções de técnicas de análise de dados sobre a participação política em instituições públicas deliberativas,... more
I would like to creat an open-source R package that makes working with Eurostat and OECD symmetric input-output tables very easy. The aim is to make various comparisons, for example in backward linkages or employment multipliers accross... more
Untuk melihat bentuk distribusi sekumpulan data numeric dalam bentuk grafik pada umumnya langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah membuat tabel disttribusi frekuensi data tersebut. Dalam R untuk membuat tabel disribusi frekuensi dapat... more
The goal of this Project is to build a linear model for predicting the average amount of tip in dollars a waiter is expected to earn from the restaurant given the predictor variables i.e. total bill paid, day, the gender of the customer... more
R Programlama ile Lisans hayatıma katkısı bakımından hazırlamış olduğum"R ile Tanımlayıcı İstatistikler" adlı yazısıdır.
Apresentação da Linguagem do "R" na disciplina de "Métodos Quantitativos I" no curso de Ciência Política da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), ministrada pelo prof. Dr. Dalson Figueiredo Filho (DCP/UFPE). Atividade que integra o... more
Pengenalan Eksplorasi Data
Municipal Solid Waste is one of the demanding environmental challenges faced by many municipalities in Nepal. Current practices and systems in Nepal being unable to deal with the increasing volumes of waste generated by an increasing... more
This document provides a solution for an R Programming problem about Air Pollution in the United States. The problem is about writing three functions that are meant to interact with a dataset that can be downloaded by following a link... more
This study provides a model to rate and visualize the bicycle redistribution of Citi Bike, the bikeshare system that operates in New York City. The share of rebalanced bicycles in proportion to total rides sharply decreased in the spring... more
El propósito de este libro es la implementación de métodos numéricos básicos usando el lenguaje de programación (libre) R. El curso esta orientado a estudiantes con poco conocimiento de programación. Aunque R es un lenguaje y un entorno... more
s For the economic development of Bangladesh, export contributes a lot. To keep the pace of development we need to analyze data in higher frequencies The R package " tempdisagg " has been used to disaggregate yearly export into quarterly... more
The aim of the paper is to compare between two analytics environments in the context of developing a model for dengue fever outbreak prediction using climate, vegetation and dengue data of San Juan, Puerto Rico. For this purpose , R and... more
Cet ouvrage est soumis au copyright. Tous droits réservés, notamment la reproduction et la représentation, la traduction, la réimpression, l'exposé, la reproduction des illustrations et des tableaux, la transmission par voie... more
In recent years, text mining is become possible through “Data Science” which has started in the field of information technology and also which is candidate for becoming a new science. In this study, a text mining application prepared by R... more
Data Science and Predictive Analytics
Biomedical and Health Applications using R
By Ivo D. Dinov
Biomedical and Health Applications using R
By Ivo D. Dinov
Direct real estate investment is required large fund before able to invest. Most of the investor in Malaysia has been face the challenge to invest direct real estate nowadays. It is not easy to get expected return like previously that can... more